Saturday, June 04, 2005

Early Edition

There will probably be another, beer induced, post later tonight. Well, my worst fears were realized today at the tournament. We got the crap beat out of us. As a matter of fact, the other Decatur champion team is out. The only team to beat us in the regular season is out of it also. None of the games were pretty. 11-1, 12-0 and the like.

We lost our first game this morning, 11-3, I believe. This was supposed to be just an outstanding team that we were playing, but the were just better than average. In the second game, there was one girl that was taller than Angie, no kidding. There were about 7-8 girls on that team that could have easily been 14-15 years old. Most probably had drivers liscenses. We lost that game 12-1. So our season came to a screeching halt right there on field #4, North Lake Park, Denton, Texas. I could hardly stand to see such good girls get beat so badly. We just didn't pitch very well at all, when we do we can play with anybody. I remember watching the scoreboard in the second game, and thinking, "Damn, it can't be 9-1 with only 12 minutes left" "Wow, 10-1 with 9 minutes left" "Shit, 12-1, with 5 minutes left, at least we get to bat again." Then we got to bat, Leti drew a walk, then stole 2nd and 3rd against what I said, but oh well. Then, Paulina struck out, still hasn't taken a swing ALL YEAR, no kidding. Jessica, drew a walk and was called out at first on the next pitch for leaving the base before the pitcher released the ball. That was a horrible call, we were down 12-1, one out, and 2 minutes left, I told the ump that also. So now, two outs, Little Kendall is up, she is my 7 year old. FLASHBACK: In game #1 she was hit on the hand, and the ball pinched the fat part of her hand between itself and the knob of the bat, it looked horrible. But, the bad news was , it was a strike, because it hit the bat, so she had to continue. She was never the same. These girls threw very hard, and she was scared. So back to game #2, ball 2 strike 2 and all the sudden she is crying in the batters box. When we went to check on her she said she was scared, time expired, the game and our season was over.

This is how hard the girls threw today, Natalie struck out 3 time in 4 at bats. She is awesome, but they made her look bad. Oh, well they played the field well, for that I am thankful. All in all it was a very fun season, with a not so happy ending. Next year we are going to discuss a Wise County tournament instead. I think it will be better for the girls, and the coaches, especially since I am crying right now. I worry about Kendall, she may never be the batter she was before she was hit so hard on the hand. She was too young, I knew it and I should have stopped it. She would have been a star in the 8 and under league, and now, who knows? She may dive out of the batters box from now on. O.K. that's enough, I can't take any more!


Tournament time!!!

Well it's here. The tournament starts tommorrow at 8:00 a.m. We went and watched some of the games that took place tonight, and there is some very stiff competition. After watching a couple of the teams that played tonight, I don't know how we only lost one game this year. I am nervous for my girls, but somehow they have pulled it off all season long. They will probably surprise me again, and win a few games, but I don't feel that we have the team to win this tournament this year. Maybe with another year, and a little better coaching we will make a strong showing next year. The Denton tournament is really a better measuring stick than the league we are in. The team that the commissioner wanted to send to the tournament instead of us lost 12-0! We only beat them by one, 9-8. I don't really care if we only play two games and lose both, but I don't want the girls to be discouraged. We will probably have a chance to win a coulple of games. But, I don't think we have the pitching to win. Maybe our bats can keep us in it, but, there are some outstanding teams in this tournament. We will only have two girls moving up next year, I thought we had none. One is a true contributor, and one really isn't, but she is a class girl. I really do hate to be negative about it before it starts, but I don't feel it this time. Some of the teams in the 10 and under class have girls that make Natalie look like a 1st grader. There are a couple that are bigger than my niece Lorrin, and she is 12, I think. Oh well, I guess we will just have to wait and see. Stranger things have happened. My one true fear is that we will not have enough girls show up for our 8:00 a.m. game. That would suck!

On another front, Brayden slept most of last night, and is currently asleep. He would have slept all night, but his diaper leaked. Crap luck for everyone. It did hold on until about 5:00 a.m. though, so it wasn't all that bad. I did try to help, didn't do much of a job of it, but I tried. Anyway, I am off to bed now. Hope everyone has a great weekend, sorry no one got to come see the girls play, would have been fun.

Long column tommorrow for sure. Give everyone something to read. The team, Nat's exploits, Matt's adventures off the field, Brayden updates, praising Angie for all she will do to let me concentrate on the team, and anything else of note. Maybe even some pictures! :)

Stay tuned, and let me know what you think.


Thursday, June 02, 2005

I got my babies back!!!!!!!

Well, I went to Glen Rose this morning to pick up my children. I was going to get there about 9 a.m., but was unavoidably detained. What is it about complete freakin' morons? They are usually nice enough, but give them a little power and each and every one of them turns into Napoleon! I can't stand them, and today's moron was below average even for their species. I know the guy, but now he is running a pipeline construction company, or part of it at least, and he threw a monkey wrench in my speedy plans this morning, and I lost it. I had a $3500 delivery going to his location, ordered by his boss, and he would not, absolutely would not let me deliver it today. I have to go back tommorrow, because I didn't check with him first. What a load of shit. I don't think going completely off helped my situation any, but I can't stand being treated like that.

Back to the fun stuff, because of MORON, I was about an hour late to get the kids, and was so happy to see them, that I didn't ask Grandma and Grandpa if they wanted to keep Matt. Nope, he was mine today. I needed them, and yes they did calm me down. We did a little work in the Cleburne area, then went to Lake Worth for chinese buffet. Afterwards, we messed around the shop for a while, then called it a day about 2:30 and went home. It is very good to have them home. They did a lot of bike riding, swimming, and playing outside while they were gone. They hung out with their cousins Jordan, Lorrin, Krista, and Laura. They had a couple of snake sightings, all the dynosaur tracks that they could want. Matthew managed to scrape both knees by wrecking his bicycle, before Angie and I left on Sunday, but by the time I got back, he had scraped the end of his left big toe off in a bike wreck. How the hell do you do that? I have got to know.

Angie took Brayden to the doctor this afternoon, and he is suffering from the three C's. Constipation, Congestion, and Cutting teeth. What a bummer, but he is asleep right now, and hopefully he will stay that way. That is why I am typing this early tonight, because I want to be ready to help Angie if he wakes up tonight. For his sake and Angie's I hope he doesn't, because I am completely useless at night. I never seem to be able to wake myself up. This sucks for Angie, but I have no explanation, I don't do it on purpose. Maybe I am just worn completely out from all the years of hard work and abuse I take at home. HA!! O.K. I'm a wimp, a complainer, and I sleep very soundly. That may be closer to the truth, but nothing has ever woke me up in the night, I just don't hear anything. I will try though, any babysitting offers? NO, I didn't think so!

Natalie and the team had practice today, and everyone showed up. They, the parents, got a stern lecture about showing up on time, especially to practice and the tournament. If we are short players at the instant the game is to start, we forfiet. They all know this, and what time the game starts. they all have my cell phone number, and the assistant coach's number. So, we should have no one show up late or get lost. Yeah Right!!!! That'll be the day, I honestly don't know how some of these parents keep a damn job. O.K. that's enough, I need a shower and to go to bed.

But before I go. You all know that my wife is a Yankee, right, from Connecticut and all. Well she has been trying all her life to fit in with the way Texans speak. I caught her leaving a comment on Kim Halfmann's blog using the word "dadgum". You cannot know how funny I find this, when she uses Native Texan words or phrases, they never come out right, and they still sound a little suspect, foriegn even. "Dadgum" may possibly be the most redneck word of all time, and it can't sound right coming from my little Yankee wife. So with all my heart, Angie, I urge you to please just stick to "DAMN", you little Yankee Dork! I love you, baby!

That's all folks


Just Stuff

Honestly, somedays coming up with a title for this thing is exhausting.

First I will respond to a comment on the last thing I published. Lanae, you are only 2 hours from our house! You can come here with no advanced notice, anytime you want. By the way, the next poker night is June 11th, and we would love to see you guys. We have room for you to stay, not just then, but anytime. Also, I had no idea you were reading my blog, THANKS!!!

OK, today was uneventful, except for Brayden being upset all day, and most of last night. He couldn't sleep, Angie was up with him from about 1 till about 5, then me from 5 till about 7 or so. He couldn't breathe very well, but I think that is mostly under control. But he was very hard on Angie until I got home about 5:30.

We still have no Nat or Matt, so Angie, Brayden, and I went to town to eat tonight. We got food from Braum's, and went to the new park to eat there, but it is all fenced off. So, we ate across the street in the suburban. Brayden had calmed down by then and it was very relaxed and enjoyable. We actually got to talk to each other at meal time, instead of answering the normal plethera of questions from the other two. It was nice, even if it was in the truck.

I will go to pick up Nat and Matt in the morning at Dynosaur Valley State Park. I can't wait, we have softball practice tommorrow night at 6:30, and then the tournament starts Saturday at 8:00 a.m. I will give Grandma and Grandpa Racecar the option of retaining Matthew, because Grandpa is usually out in the metroplex early in the week, and I can get Matt then, but it will be up to them. I don't know if he would enjoy sitting at the softball tournament, then again I don't know that we will play long enough to bother him. Who knows. I am fine with him coming home or going to Longworth. Either will work.

If we are done early, I will go ride my 4-wheeler to try to get ready for the 18th. We were rained out this past weekend, and I got no riding in at all. I don't need much, just knock the rust off, see how everything feels.

I can't think of anything else. The investigator called a few days back, but I will wait to see how his stuff goes before I raise anyone's hopes on our behalf. Things have gone nowhere so far, so no need in being too optimistic. I think the hillbillies (Wise county cops) are too busy dipping snuff and whitlin' stuff out of old tree limbs to do too much, at least it seems so. But, I have been told that I have never been a very positive person. I thought I was quite the cheerleader, but I guess not.

See ya tommorrow,

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Softball Tournament

In case anyone is interested, our first game in the softball tournament is Saturday morning, June 4th, at 8:00 a.m. We will either play our next game at 9:30 if we lose or 12:30 if we win, and so on. Anyone that wants to come, please do. It should be a lot of fun, and the forecast isn't too bad either.

I'm drawing a complete blank on what to write about for some reason, maybe because my kids are gone camping. I went down to take Natalie some more clothes today, we shorted her for some reason. I also took them a bunch of firewood, so they can burn a fire as long as they want. Brad and Cheryl were there today also, and were planning to take Krista and Laura home today. B & C have spent their nights in Grandbury, I believe they were having some kind of Memorial Day Celebration, and Grandbury is a neat old town. Lots of antique stores and such there.

Also, I am set and committed to race in Abilene on June 18th. Everything is ready, my 4-wheeler, my gear, and my brain. So, off we go. I must be nutty, but to hell with it, I'm going anyway. I found out today that they race 4-wheelers in Witchita Falls at their dirt track also, so we may go up there and see what Matthew can do. Hey, he's mine and I'll do with him what I please, so don't bother with the "Oh, no, you maybe, but not Matthew". We'll have none of that, anybody starts on me with that and I'll buy the boy a shifter cart and enter Natalie in football, or wrestling, or something of that nature. Seriously, though, Matthew is very good on his 4-wheeler, and I think he would enjoy it. I'll be nervous as hell, but I have to let go sometime. By the way, I forgot to mention that they have age classes, I won't be throwing him to the wolves, maybe just the pups.

Also, we should finalize our deal on a new in-ground pool this week. They said that after construction begins, we will be swimming in 2 weeks. So if you get to hot this summer, just come on over and hop in. I'll keep you updated on when they start and when they finish.

Sorry that I was all over the place tonight, just out of sorts a little bit, but the kids come home on Thursday, and life should return to its normal chaotic self then. I can't wait.


Monday, May 30, 2005


Well, today, a week after starting this little thing about my weight I have lost 3 Pounds. I now weigh 264. I wasn't able to eat as good as I wanted, but I did eat better than I had been. Next week I will attempt to do better, and the tournament next weekend is historically very hot, so maybe that will help.

Today we went to Glen Rose and dropped off the kids with Grandma and Grandpa Racecar at Dynosaur Valley State Park. When I say dropped off, I mean we went and stayed about 7 hours. We had a lot of fun. Matthew and I walked down to one of the spots in the river that you can see dynosaur tracks, or so they say. I didn't see anything that stood out as a dynosaur track, just a running river. When we returned, Grandma racecar told me that site #2 has the best tracks, and we went to site #3. That figures, I wanted something memorable with Matthew, because everyone says that the middle child always gets ignored. Maybe when I go pick them up on Thursday he can show me where they are. Grandma and Grandpa racecar had 6 of their grandchildren there, and Matt was the only boy. So, Natalie had plenty to do. Jordan, Lorrin, Krista and Laura were all there. Taylor and Tyler did not come, so Matt has to endure a week of being the only boy and being the youngest. I believe Tyler is a month younger, but maybe he is a month older. Let me know, Tina, there are too many to keep up with. I'm sure Matthew and Grandpa will get into plenty of trouble. Heck, Grandpa got stopped for speeding in the park, on the way to parking the trailer. He is sure that the park rangers all just pick on him. Yeah, they will, if you speed, being the Barney Fifes that they are.

Brad and Cheryl were there too. They brought Krista and Laura up from San Antonio. Angie and Cheryl always enjoy each others company, and I really enjoy talking to Brad. We are into the same kinds of things. He really knows his stuff. He has raced dirt bikes since he was very young, and still does. Now, he is into shifter carts. These are some wicked things, he broke ribs twice, without getting into wrecks, just because they corner so hard.

We returned home about 10:30 pm, fed the baby, and Angie and Brayden went to bed. I went into town to buy some synthetic motor oil for my 4-wheeler. I need to change the oil badly. So I will do that in the morning before I go to my buddy George's new motorcross track. Hopefully, it won't rain us out, because I am really looking foreward to riding a little bit. I have watched the video from the 4-wheeler races in Abilene, twice now, and I am convinced that I can really compete. The guy that won may be a little much for me, but the rest seemed to be beatable. He won by a mile, and didn't seem to ride very hard, always the mark of an accomplished rider, which I am not. There were guys he lapped and was coming up on again. Come on, I can do better than that, so at least I will not come in last.

Well that's it for tonight, see ya tommorrow.


Sunday, May 29, 2005


If you DO NOT want to know ANYTHING about this movie, haven't watched it yet, or what ever, scroll down until you see the word STOP! I will only tell a little, so feel safe to read, but you can skip, if you want.

We took the children to see Madagascar today. It is another in a long line of animated films that, in my opinion, is better than any movie that has people in it. The basis of the movie is that the psychopathic penguins want to escape the New York Zoo, and go to Antartica. At the beginning of the movie they are tunneling there, and they come up in the Zebra's pen. When they realize where they are, they leave, but the head penguin tells the zebra, "You didn't see anything." in an almost hypnotic voice, very funny. Too much to tell about the whole movie, which is rated PG, so I will just stick with the penguins. They do finally get out and on a cargo ship. They take the ship over, and subdue the captain and end up in Antartica. When they get there, they are standing around, visibly cold, shaking their feet, and the only thing that is said is, "Well, this sucks!" It may not be very funny here, but it was hillarious in the theater. This is not the crux of the movie, but definitely the funniest part. Matthew and Natalie loved the movie, and Brayden slept through it. Angie and I thought it was very funny.


We also went back to Cabela's today to look at the stuffed animals and to look around. It was very frustrating today. The store was packed and it seemed that no one cared that Angie was toting around a baby, or to acknowledge the stroller when Brayden was in it. It was like friggin bumper cars in there. Brayden almost got elbowed in the face and the person didn't even say excuse me. We were cut off at every turn, and at one point, we were waiting on the elevator to return to the ground floor and leave, and healthy, lazy people cut in front of us, very rudely. There are stairs not 30 feet away, the elevators are for people in wheelchairs and people with children in strollers, I thought! I, nor anyone in my family, would ever use the elevator intended for use by the handicapped or families with small children, if it were not for Brayden. This just adds to my feeling that people SUCK! I have always felt this way, but today sealed it. No one seems to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them. Old, young, male, female, it doesn't seem to matter. At one point, Angie, Natalie, and Matthew went to look at the African exhibit, and I had Brayden, in my arms and was pushing the stroller to boot, and I was pushed at least twice. At one point before Angie returned, I told a guy, "Don't mind me, you jackass, I guess you didn't see the baby". I knew I could get away with it if she was not there, otherwise, I would have been in trouble, timeout even. So, people suck, what's new? I just don't have the patience for it any more, I guess. I am probably just like you guys, it annoys me to no end when I see things happen to my family. I started to take the baby, slap Angie in the face a few times to rile her up, and say "Go get 'em" Then just sit back and watch. Wouldn't that be some kind of fun? Just imagine, "Hey Ang, he said your baby is ugly." Whap, Bam, Boom, Smack, Crash, it would be like an old episode of BATMAN! God how I wish!! But, you can't do things like that anymore. I would probably go to jail just for setting Angie in motion. She really is Jett Lee, ya know, at least in my eyes. I love all my little family, and sometimes, maybe, I overreact. Thanks for letting me rant and rave.

Tommorrow, we are meeting Grandma and Grandpa Racecar at Dynosaur Valley State Park, and dropping off Matthew and Natalie. They are going to spend a couple, of what look like wet, days, traipsing around having fun. Tuesday I will go get Natalie, because we have softball practice this week and a tournament this weekend. Maybe Matt can stay and go home with them and get a much needed break from is parents. Either way will be fine, but they both have earned some prescious time away if they can get it, but Nat has a job to finish. Softball is a commitment that we both made, and both will honor. The tournament is next weekend, and I want to at least make a showing to prove to the commish that she made the right call in putting us in the tournament as the Decatur champs. I just wish the other girls had the same heart that Natalie, Brianna and Jaclyn have. Only two of the three showed up for practice, but Jac's mom called and had her brother in the Emergency room, or they would have been there, no doubt.

Well that is probably enough for today. Thanks if you read all the way to the end, sometimes I ramble on and on.

See ya tommorrow,
