Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend stuff

This weekend we went to Midland, TX, for Delaynee's birthday party. She was born on Matthew's birthday, September 3rd, but the party was on Saturday. Midland is very close to one of my favortie places, the Kermit sand dunes, so Matthew and I loaded up the 4-wheelers and took them along.

We drove out Friday night, and got there late, between 10 and 11 pm. The next morning, Bobby was nice enough to go get everyone some breakfast, we stayed with them, by the way. Matthew and I left for the sand dunes shortly after breakfast, and everyone else went to Bailey and Chloe's soccer games. Chloe scored 4 goals and Bailey scored 3 goals. Matthew and I basically had 29 square miles of sand to ourselves. There were only about 15 other people there. We tried his 4-wheeler with the new sand paddle tires that we ordered 2 weeks ago, and came in last thursday, but it was a bust. His little 4 wheeler just wouldn't do it, any little hill and he was stuck. So we put his back on the trailer and he rode mine with me. We rode for about 3 hours with only one break. We went up and down dunes non-stop. He got scared a couple of times, he never admitted it, but he was holding on to my legs, and he pulled out quite a few hairs. All in all we had a great time. We went down a couple of hundred foot tall dunes, those are exciting when I am alone on my 4-wheeler, but intense when there is a passenger. I will be trying to get him a new, larger, 4-wheeler for our yearly trip to the dunes on October 8th. There are about 20 people that go, just in our group. Last year there were probably 200 4-wheelers there on Saturday. It is the yearly sandfest in Kermit, lots of drag racing, lots of $10,000 4-wheelers, and lots of dune buggys. It's a blast, especially when you go with a lot of friends.

OK, after we got back, and showered, we went to Delaynee's party at Chuck E. Cheese's place. There were tons of screaming kids there, and none of them were ours. Our children were very well behaved. Every time a kid screamed, I would find myself looking around for someone hurting a child. It gets very edgy when you are there for 3 hours. The party was a success. Mom came, Ricky and Cindy came, Courtney and Riley came, and we all had fun. Ask Ricky and Cindy if you should leave Chuck's and go eat at Logan's Steak House. I bet they say no, the leaving wasn't a bad idea, but Logans sucks! Always has, always will.

Sunday, Brayden and I got up and walked over to Dad's house, about 2 blocks from Bobby's. We had a good time, and Dad and Phyllis did too. Later, Natalie, Matthew and I walked over, and went for a ride in Dad's jeep. I need me one of those. I have always loved Jeeps. Then Dad stole Nat, Bailey, Matthew and Chloe just when we were ready to go to Academy, eat lunch then leave for home. Oh well, what can you do? As long as everyone is having fun, I'm happy.

We left a few hours late, as usual. We got home at about 8:30, the kids took showers and went to bed. Brayden played in the floor, something that he expressed an interest in on the way home. I guess 5 hours is too long to be in a car seat.

So we are all home safe, the truck in unloaded, nobody robbed us and Marbles is still alive. What more can you ask for? I guess I will go to bed now and snore my head off, just what Angie looks foreward to everynight, I'm sure. God, she has to hate me by now.

See ya then,


P.S. Yes I know this is the short version of stuff, but I bet Angie has a few things to say about this weekend too!