Friday, November 18, 2005

This is.........The Rest of the Story!

Sorry it has taken me so long to finish this. OK, I did it a little out of spite. You know, just not to be forced into anything.

On Sunday I recieved a call from Matthew's basketball league to notify me that there was a meeting for coaches and the board on Monday night, 6pm - 7pm. I said "Great, tell me how it turns out." The woman said, "You have to be there, you are the coach of one of the teams." To which I replied, "Why, I didn't sign up to be THE coach, but said I would help on the form that was returned." She said, "Oh, well, we will work it out tommorrow night at the meeting." I hung up and said "SHIT!!" I immediately thought that Angie did this to me, because she filled out the form. When we, Me and Matt, got to the meeting, I realized that Angie did not do this, she put exactly what I said to put on the form, but NONE of the other parents signed up to help at all. The only thing that got me was the fact that I said I would help, and we could not practice on Thursday nights. So now, I will not let any of the other parents help, and I hope that pisses them off. I'm sure it will, you know parents. Hell, it's only 8 - 1st and 2nd grade boys, how hard can it be to be their first basketball coach. I'm sure I will end up loving this as much as I do coaching Nat's softball team, just a surprise.

Later that night, I went back into town to get the dogfood that I told Angie that I picked up after the meeting, but forgot. On the way home, I hit a deer, dead center in the grill. I never even saw it coming, I don't even know if I hit the brakes before I hit the deer. Needless to say, my truck is severly damaged at this point. The grill was caved in, the bumper was into the driver's side tire, and my chrome bug guard, that I have always hated was gone. At first, I thought one of the deer's legs came off and went over the cab of my truck, but it was the bug guard. I had to sit in the ditch and pull the bumper off of the tire with and 18" pipe wrench, just ot get it home. I still could not turn to the right very much, so all of the right hand turns I came to, I had to pull almost past, then back up and turn the other way, then up and back again, just to make the turn. Just like a cheap remote controlled car, you know the ones that only turn backing up. The next morning, my co-worker, Eric "the new guy", came over and pulled my bumper our where it would clear, with a chain and his truck. Then I spent half a day in and out of body shops getting estimates for our insurance. I did not call the cops when I hit the deer, because I did not have my cell with me, and when I woke up, the only thing I could think was "What if someone got ran over last night, and the person drove off, then here I come into the shop with a dinged up truck?" "Shit, I'm going to jail!" I was thankful that the deer at least left me some hair in my bumper.

The same day at lunch, I went to eat at a local diner by Boyd, TX. I ate with my ex-employee, George. After we were done, we went out to look at my beat up truck, when a gravel truck took a corner too fast, about 100 feet from us, and turned over. I couldn't help but laugh, he was having a worse day that I was. The idiots behind him went ahead and drove through the pile of, ok it was sand actually, but we call all of them gravel or rock trucks, sand, and one car got stuck. What morons!!

I left there, and went to the office of my biggest customer, which is in their compressor station. He was in a closed door meeting with his son an son-in-law, two of his employees, because they were in an argument, pretty serious one at that, that has been going on for a while. They left the meeting, went outside and got in a fistfight. I was first out the door, and grabbed the closest on to me, because they are both close friends of mine, and put myself between them. I said, "Come on guys, this is bullshit." That was all I got out, because I was followed by DAD or Father-in-law, and he took over from there. We all know the story of why they are going at it, and are all tired of it by now. So, after that, I said, "Screw it, I'm going home, this day sucks."

Left there, went home, actually got home before the sun went down, and hung out with my family. Now that I enjoyed!

Hope nobody is confused any longer.

See ya then,


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I hit a deer!

Yep, I hit a deer night before last. This was just after I found out I was Matthew's head basketball coach, No, I did not sign up for that. Then at lunch, a gravel truck turned over about 100 feet from us when we were standing in the parking lot talking. And finally, there was a fistfight at the compressor station that I went to after lunch.

More on all this later.

Gotta go see what today holds.
