Monday, March 12, 2007


Here is the joke to the punch line of the last post. I guess I should remember that just because I just heard the joke, maybe you didn't.

Once you get married, your wife starts to allocate money to things you never heard of. Go to a bar and come home, you might hear this. Did you spend our Sunday, after church, go out and eat money at the bar? UH, I don't know, it looked like drinking money. Sorry sweetie, it's dark in bars.

Also, you aren't supposed to make fun of retards, but..... Retards are strong. They have the strength of like 10 regular men, or one chimp. So if you ever see a retarded chimp.......RUN! Now, Hollywood is too politically correct to ever make a movie about a retated chimp, unless you count Vin Diesel movies. Don't be mad, if you are a Vin Diesel fan, you should be at home coloring, not reading this blog.

Question: After sex, do Arabs have to change the sheets on their heads?

90% of flights never go over any real water, but they still have to tell you about using your seat as a flotation device. When I get on a flight from Dallas to Midland, if you want to make me happy, tell me about the seat that bounces out of a cotton field! Much more useful.

Do you know why GOD hates Gays? Remember the Garden of Eden? The punishment for Eve eating the apple was that women would have a painful childbirth and so on. Man's punishment was having to put up with women. Gays found a loophole, and that is why GOD hates them.
