Saturday, August 06, 2005


Well we are off in a few hours. I am taking the kids to Sweetwater to meet Bill and Barbara, then on to Midland to deliver Bobby's truck to him. The kids are going camping with Angie's mom and dad, down in Junction. I'm sure they will have a blast, they always do. I will be driving on to Midland, and then almost instantly on a plane back to Dallas, so I can be here with Angie and Brayden. She does not want to spend a night alone, and I don't blame her. They let our burgular go, so she has worries. Who wouldn't, now matter what the odds of him coming back are. I told her that these people are spineless, and the only reason they broke in the first time was because they saw her leave and the garage door was open. I have never met a bigger coward than a thief. They are afraid of everything. But, reguardless, I will be there in time for my flight, and I will be home by 4:00 pm. I respect Angie's fears, she is my wife, and I would respect her fears even if I thought they were completely wrong or unfounded. I don't think anyone could make me do otherwise. I love her, and am still upset that I wasn't here the first time it happened. Maybe, just maybe, if I was here, we could have nipped it in the bud. How empowering would it be to stop someone from robbing your house? Very, in my opinion. I don't believe Angie is actually afraid of the person, just afraid for the baby, or the children in general. She would probably have beat the shit out of anyone that came in while she was here. I have seen her in competition, and she is impressive. I wish she would resume her tae kwon do training, not only for her, but for me to have the pleasure of watching her compete in tournaments. She was spectacular. Maybe some day, she will, and I will inform and invite everyone to come see her. You won't regret it, I promise. There were times, early on, when it wasn't this way, but, after she moved up a little bit, and gained some confidence and training, it was awesome. She is incredibly strong, this I know first hand, and she thinks on her feet. Very fun to watch, so I hope she resumes her training, no matter how far it is to the Dojong. It's worth all the gas she would use to get there and home.

Well enough rambling for now, I'll talk to you soon,


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Granny!!!!!!!

Happy birthday, what are you now 25? I'm sorry I didn't call, the number Angie had for Carolyn's house was answered by someone else, so we have the wrong number. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I LOVE YOU!!!


I gotta call bullshit on this!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm tired, today has been a little much. This will probably get rough before I'm done, so be prepared to change the chanel if you need to. Fair warning? Good, here we go. What the fuck is the matter with the justice system in this country? Our investigator, Chase Nolan, spent four months trying to catch the guy who robbed our house. He finally did at the end of July, now the stupid bitch, I'm sorry lady District Attourney has released him with 5 years probation. This is all before we even returned any of the paperwork that the stupid bitch's office sent us on the case. She just let him walk with probation. When Angie called, I thought it was a joke, not a funny one, but an Angie joke, you know "let's see if I can piss Jim off today". Man did it work!! I called Chase Nolan and asked him if indeed Gregory Gilbert Glover had been released, and he said no, I still show him to be in jail. "Why, what did you hear?" I said, the District Attourney called Angie and told her that he had been released with 5 years probation. Chase said he would check and call me back. When he called back, he said, "Jim, I don't know what to say, she did release him with probation on a plea bargain, so it goes down as a conviction for her." WHAT DID HE JUST SAY??????????? YEAH, SHE GETS A CONVICTION OUT OF THAT SHIT!!! This is a guy that was facing 4 felony counts in our county alone, and 12 overall, and the case was an easy win, they had a confession, but I guess if she gets a conviction for what she did today, that is even easier, FOR HER!! What a lazy assed bitch.

So, since her position is that of an elected official, my new goal is to have Jana Jones not get re-elected the next time she is up. She only won by 147 votes last election. I know the guy that ran against her, Michael Carrillo, he is a nice guy, and George's wife's uncle, to boot. ANGIE actually voted for her. This wasn't her fault, but she just checked Republican, because she didn't know any of the people on the ballot. I wonder if she will do that again? I doubt it, but I didn't even vote, so what can I say about Angie? Anyway, this sucks. I don't know what to do, and that is rare. Everything I can think of will land me in jail, and I guarantee they will not release me with probation, because I'm not an unemployed, single, thieving, dopeheaded piece of shit. Doesn't this send the wrong message to criminals? "Hell, come to Wise county, you can do anything you want and just get probation." What a great system we have in place when the people that get robbed, or have other things done to them, have no say what-so-ever in what happens in the case. And to top it all off, The Bitch was rude to Angie on the phone when she explained it to her. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I hate being this mad and not knowing what to do.

The guy confessed, can I sue him in a civil court? Shouldn't I just be allowed to go beat his ass instead of recieving restitution? I'm sure Angie would be in favor of that.

Confused, Pissed, Sad, Hurt, Starting to get emotional,



Well after about a 2 year run, my brother Bobby is moving away from me, to Midland. We haven't done a lot together lately, and I hope that is not the reason he is moving, but we have done a lot together overall. Our families have gone out to eat many times, and it is always fun, not to mention loud. Bobby and I have coached soccer together for Bailey's team. That was a blast, I always knew that saturday morning I would see my little brother, and his family. I learned a lot about a sport that I didn't know much about. We used to have Sunday dinner at our house or their's. Those times were a blast. There is nothing like having family close to you, and I hope my dad and Chanda's dad, Danny, take advantage of them being in Midland. I'm sure mom would love for them to be in Sweetwater. I can't imagine when I am a grandparent how overjoyed I would be to have Nat, Matt, of Brayden close to me so I could be involved in their childrens lives. So, dad and Danny have a great opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren, and I'm sure they will. How happy must they be? Bailey, Chloe, and Delaynee are awesome. I wish things could have worked out for them to stay here, but they did not. Tommorrow, I'm sure that the stars will be a little less bright, because Bobby will be gone. I have enjoyed being close to my brother. We were always a phone call away from each other if we needed anything, and that is invaluable. There is nothing like the relationship I have with Bobby. We can obviously stand on our own two feet, but as a team we are unstoppable. I can't say that we always saw things the same way, but we were always there for each other reguardless. I will miss him and his family.

In other news, Oh yeah, Brayden is sitting up on his own. This is fun, he still has the round bottom syndrome, so he goes in all directions, but he is sitting up. I think that our kids have always been behind other kids at first because they are so big. I'm sure that their size works against them, it just takes more muscles to do things. I know that there is not a set timetable for early childhood development, and honestly I don't worry about it at all. They do things when they do things. Sitting up, crawling, cutting teeth, walking, and talking are all impressive whenever they do them. We were no less impressed with Matthew walking at 18 months than we were with Natalie walking at 11 months. They have all the time that they need and I'm sure they know we will be here when they accomplish anything, so what's the rush? Isn't half the fun getting there? I think so. Maybe more than half, before it becomes old hat and they just want to play nintendo or playstation ALL THE TIME!

Saturday morning, I will be taking the kids to Bill and Barbara's, maybe meeting them in Sweetwater, then on to Midland to deliver Bobby's work truck. I will arrive just in time to board a flight from Midland to Dallas Love Field so Angie and Brayden aren't here by themselves for the night. I thought the last flight was at 6:45, but it is at 2 something on Saturday, so I will be on it. I love to fly, and I will get to sleep in my own bed. Can't beat that, can you? Yes, I will be on the lookout for ARABS, don't worry. I bet I even get searched because I am on a one-way ticket. I did last time. I flew from Dallas to Midland, and was late getting there, and got searched. What a drag, I damn near missed the plane. How mad would my boss have been about that? We will see, I guess. I'll let you know.

See ya tommorrow,


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Wow what a foggy day............

Ok, the day was actually clear as far as the weather was concerned, but I wondered around in a fog all day long. I don't know what was wrong, it started out OK, but went to hell about 10:30 a.m. I picked up George around 8 am, went to readjust a pump that we just set, north of Decatur, then back to get a tire fixed that went flat on Friday. Afterward, we went to check inventory at the shop and George left. I didn't want to do anything. I had end of the month paperwork to do at the office, but I was successful in getting so bored that I fell alseep. I hate paperwork, but it has to be done to run a business. The room was the right temp, the nice buzz of the air conditioner, boring as hell paperwork, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Only about 15 minutes, though I wish it could have been longer, because after that I was in the heat alllllll day long. Man it was hot and still. Very glad when the day was over. Home to the wife, the kids and the pool, how refreshing is that?

All in all, I don't remember much about today. I felt confused, lost and not in controll. I hate that. It happens every so often, and I hate it every time. I guess I was just uninspired. Maybe a lack of my usuall go-go attitude at work. Whatever it was, I didn't like it. I am usually upbeat at work, I have to keep my, and George's, attitude up, but after he left the shop, I didn't even call him. I'm sure he didn't mind, probably a relief for him. Hopefully tommorrow will be a better day, I'm sure it will be, hell, my boss is in town, how bad can it be? HA!!

Well, sorry to dissapoint with a short one today, but i need to go to bed earlier that usual. I spent over an hour on the phone tonight with my buddy David Brewer, and his wife some too, so I didn't really think too much about what I would write. I usually use the time after my family goes to bed to think of things to tell you about, but today it just didn't happen. So, off I go.

See ya then,


Monday, August 01, 2005

Sorry Dad!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, I totally blew it. I forgot to call my dad on his birthday, Saturday. I have no excuse, just a slip. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! 56 years old, I think. Hope it was a good day. Angie did remind me, but I forgot, so nobody to blame but me, and you know how I hate that.

OK, we went to the Berryman Reunion today. Not bad, not bad at all. It was actually enjoyable. We didn't know most of the people there, but we had a good time. The kids had a good time too. There were loads of kids there for them to play with.

Granny was there, of course. Billy and Carolyn were there also. Cathy, Tammy, Debra, Amber and Marcie were all there. Uncle Claude and Uncle Jerry were there. I don't know Papa's sisters that well, but there were five of them there. ABB did not come. We spent the majority of our time talking to Granny, Billy and Carolyn, but I also had nice conversations with Joe Victory and Nita Lou. Don't know if I spelled their names right, but you get the picture. But, as I stated earlier, I knew this would happen, most of the older people talked together, and most of the younger people just talked to those that they knew. I talked to Tammy and Marcie mostly. Hard to believe that Tammy is just older than me, and her husband is retired! Wow, she married up the age scale didn't she?

Granny was a blast, she was in great spirits and talked to everyone. Billy looked fantastic, and we talked quite a bit. Carolyn is Carolyn, she bounced all over and talked to everybody, but I didn't see her trademark camera. So, no Minnie Minolta this year for her. I'm sure if Mason was there she would have burned a few rolls of film though. Carolyn told me that she tells Granny what I write everyday, but she leaves out the cuss words. That is good. I will write what I write, but I'm proud to be sensored sometimes when I look back at it later. I will never go back and change what I wrote, because that is a true representation of what I was feeling at the time, and I just let it fly.

By the way, Hi Granny. I know you will read the next few weeks of these while you are at Carolyn and Billy's house. Don't forget to read the comments at the bottom, because, since I mentioned it, I'm sure you will get a few hello's from the family. All you have to do is click on the word comment at the bottom of this post. It was great to see you! Just a warning though, it may get a little rough at times. I am who I am, and I don't change that here. I would hate for anyone to take the time to read this and not get the real me. That would not be fair, if I offend anyone, and they chose not to read this anymore, that is their choice. Except for Carolyn, who has to read it to tell you what I wrote. I love my one person captive audience.

On the way out of town, I stopped at the old museum / jail that we all used to walk to when we had the reunions at the other hall. Nat, Matt and I went in, Angie and Brayden stayed in the suburban. Natalie and Matthew had a ball, just like I used to. That place it neat. The bottom floor if old living quarters for the sherrif and his family. The second floor is all jail cells, but the doors are chained open now, no fun. I locked a few people in, and was locked in a few times when I was young. The third floor is the gallows. They were never used. The Jail was built in 1910, and hanging was outlawed in 1911, so nobody ever swung from that particular rope. It's still there though. I wish the reunion still took place within walking distance from the museum. I can't remember a year that we didn't go over there, just the kids, but that was a different era. I would be happy to escort the children now, mine or otherwise, to see it. I think it is something that they will never forget.

Well, I guess that's it for today,

See ya then,


Sunday, July 31, 2005

Berryman Reunion

Well, it's tommorrow, or today actually. I hope it is fun. I doubt it will be, but I'm willing to try one more of these before I start my own. When I do, it won't be family specific. I will invite all the people that I am related to that are close to my age. Bobby, of course, Steph and Bill (Billy nowadays), Carrie and Beth, Kyle and Whitney Randolph, Clay Berryman, Tanner, Courtney, Jeff, Kyle, Reagan Sheaffer (not actually family, but my little sister none the less), any of Angie's brothers or sisters (Debbie, Cheryl, Karen, Billy) that want to come, and their famiies. I'm sure moms and dads will be welcome, grandparents as well. I know that I have forgotten someone important, but names escape me at the moment.

I don't know about the reunion tommorrow, but at the Davidson reunion, there were no children. Ours hated that, and I won't go to another without knowing that there will be children there for them to play with. Also, why not have it someplace fun? A hotel conference room sucks. Hell, they suck for business meetings. Maybe we can have ours here. We have plent of room. We have children, we have ponds, a pool, soon will have a shop, a nice house. I think we could fit everyone. We can't put everyone up for the night, but who can? I'll cook hamburgers, or steaks, or whatever. Maybe the RSVP could be a twenty dollar bill with your name on it to buy food. It doesn't have to be much, just a chance to get together and enjoy the time you spend with family, instead of regretting the fact that you are there.

I know that it sucks to travel with a young family, but it has to be held somewhere. I'm taking the lead on this, so at least the first one can be here, and if everyone is happy with that, I'm not against all of them being here. If they are elsewhere we will go to them also. We just need a place where the kids are not up our butts all day long, and we can actually visit. Gotta be a two day event, maybe Friday night, for those who can make it, then all day Saturday, maybe till noon on Sunday, depending on travel. We'll see, it's still a long way off, maybe next summer, before,or after,it gets too hot to think straight when you are outside.

For now I guess we are stuck with going to family reunions where we don't konw most of the people there. I know that is what they are for, but who really makes friends for more than a day at one of these in their current format? They are truly a waste of time. I will be glad to see Granny, Billy and Carolyn. Other than that, I don't know who will be there, so it's a crap shoot. Come on seven!!!!!!!!!!!!

Till then
