Saturday, August 06, 2005


Well we are off in a few hours. I am taking the kids to Sweetwater to meet Bill and Barbara, then on to Midland to deliver Bobby's truck to him. The kids are going camping with Angie's mom and dad, down in Junction. I'm sure they will have a blast, they always do. I will be driving on to Midland, and then almost instantly on a plane back to Dallas, so I can be here with Angie and Brayden. She does not want to spend a night alone, and I don't blame her. They let our burgular go, so she has worries. Who wouldn't, now matter what the odds of him coming back are. I told her that these people are spineless, and the only reason they broke in the first time was because they saw her leave and the garage door was open. I have never met a bigger coward than a thief. They are afraid of everything. But, reguardless, I will be there in time for my flight, and I will be home by 4:00 pm. I respect Angie's fears, she is my wife, and I would respect her fears even if I thought they were completely wrong or unfounded. I don't think anyone could make me do otherwise. I love her, and am still upset that I wasn't here the first time it happened. Maybe, just maybe, if I was here, we could have nipped it in the bud. How empowering would it be to stop someone from robbing your house? Very, in my opinion. I don't believe Angie is actually afraid of the person, just afraid for the baby, or the children in general. She would probably have beat the shit out of anyone that came in while she was here. I have seen her in competition, and she is impressive. I wish she would resume her tae kwon do training, not only for her, but for me to have the pleasure of watching her compete in tournaments. She was spectacular. Maybe some day, she will, and I will inform and invite everyone to come see her. You won't regret it, I promise. There were times, early on, when it wasn't this way, but, after she moved up a little bit, and gained some confidence and training, it was awesome. She is incredibly strong, this I know first hand, and she thinks on her feet. Very fun to watch, so I hope she resumes her training, no matter how far it is to the Dojong. It's worth all the gas she would use to get there and home.

Well enough rambling for now, I'll talk to you soon,



At 10:20 PM, August 06, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Hope you had a good flight and are enjoying your time with just you, Angie, and Brayden.. I think one on one time with each child is special. Even though I only have one -- it is nice to just spend time with my mom or dad just by myself. Have a good weekend. And we are going to Daddy's tomorrow if it isn't raining to go skiing again. So hopefully I can post some pics of Mason skiing.


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