Monday, August 01, 2005

Sorry Dad!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, I totally blew it. I forgot to call my dad on his birthday, Saturday. I have no excuse, just a slip. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! 56 years old, I think. Hope it was a good day. Angie did remind me, but I forgot, so nobody to blame but me, and you know how I hate that.

OK, we went to the Berryman Reunion today. Not bad, not bad at all. It was actually enjoyable. We didn't know most of the people there, but we had a good time. The kids had a good time too. There were loads of kids there for them to play with.

Granny was there, of course. Billy and Carolyn were there also. Cathy, Tammy, Debra, Amber and Marcie were all there. Uncle Claude and Uncle Jerry were there. I don't know Papa's sisters that well, but there were five of them there. ABB did not come. We spent the majority of our time talking to Granny, Billy and Carolyn, but I also had nice conversations with Joe Victory and Nita Lou. Don't know if I spelled their names right, but you get the picture. But, as I stated earlier, I knew this would happen, most of the older people talked together, and most of the younger people just talked to those that they knew. I talked to Tammy and Marcie mostly. Hard to believe that Tammy is just older than me, and her husband is retired! Wow, she married up the age scale didn't she?

Granny was a blast, she was in great spirits and talked to everyone. Billy looked fantastic, and we talked quite a bit. Carolyn is Carolyn, she bounced all over and talked to everybody, but I didn't see her trademark camera. So, no Minnie Minolta this year for her. I'm sure if Mason was there she would have burned a few rolls of film though. Carolyn told me that she tells Granny what I write everyday, but she leaves out the cuss words. That is good. I will write what I write, but I'm proud to be sensored sometimes when I look back at it later. I will never go back and change what I wrote, because that is a true representation of what I was feeling at the time, and I just let it fly.

By the way, Hi Granny. I know you will read the next few weeks of these while you are at Carolyn and Billy's house. Don't forget to read the comments at the bottom, because, since I mentioned it, I'm sure you will get a few hello's from the family. All you have to do is click on the word comment at the bottom of this post. It was great to see you! Just a warning though, it may get a little rough at times. I am who I am, and I don't change that here. I would hate for anyone to take the time to read this and not get the real me. That would not be fair, if I offend anyone, and they chose not to read this anymore, that is their choice. Except for Carolyn, who has to read it to tell you what I wrote. I love my one person captive audience.

On the way out of town, I stopped at the old museum / jail that we all used to walk to when we had the reunions at the other hall. Nat, Matt and I went in, Angie and Brayden stayed in the suburban. Natalie and Matthew had a ball, just like I used to. That place it neat. The bottom floor if old living quarters for the sherrif and his family. The second floor is all jail cells, but the doors are chained open now, no fun. I locked a few people in, and was locked in a few times when I was young. The third floor is the gallows. They were never used. The Jail was built in 1910, and hanging was outlawed in 1911, so nobody ever swung from that particular rope. It's still there though. I wish the reunion still took place within walking distance from the museum. I can't remember a year that we didn't go over there, just the kids, but that was a different era. I would be happy to escort the children now, mine or otherwise, to see it. I think it is something that they will never forget.

Well, I guess that's it for today,

See ya then,



At 8:20 AM, August 01, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I miss going to that jail as I have said before -- lots of good times especially with Coy. Granny if you read this I miss you and Love ya bunches -- hello Carolyn and Billy too! My Mason is getting big and if Carrie would ever write in her blog Olivia is getting big too == she is starting to scoot around.

At 11:01 AM, August 01, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Glad you all had a good time. The jail sounds like I would like to visit it.

glad you all had a good time

At 11:01 AM, August 01, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Glad you all had a good time. The jail sounds like I would like to visit it.

glad you all had a good time

At 4:57 PM, August 01, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am happy to hear that this reunion went better then the last one! SOunds like it was enjoyable.

Kim :)


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