Monday, July 25, 2005

Family Reunions Part Deaux!

Well we went to the Davidson family reunion in Abilene this weekend. Sorry, unimpressive. That's about all I have to say about it as a whole. I was very happy to see Granny and Pop, and they were very happy to see us and Brayden especially. It's always good to see Mom. She had fun with the children, but ours were the only ones there under 17. What a crock!! They had no other kids to play with, so they were all over us. Don't get me wrong, they are great kids, but what can you expect from them when you keep them in a conference room of a hotel allllllllll day long. Yeah, they were annoying, but I'm sure they were annoyed to be there. Ricky and Cindy were there. They are great to be around, no matter how long or where we are around them. They both absolutely love kids and are great people to boot. Tanner and Jennifer were the only people our age til almost noon on Saturday, and we love spending time with them, just wish there was something to do. Then Courtney showed up with Riley. He is cute, but he needed room to roam and play too. Now, I honestly don't know if I could have gotten through one of these when I was their age. I know you change with age, but if it sucks, it sucks! Kyle and Rhonda didn't come, at least not while we were there. Tony and his wife went to her family reunion. Jeff showed up about 30 minutes before we left. Hunter followed him buy about 10 minutes, so the kids only had about 20 minutes to play with him. Jeff was at a ref clinic all day, so he couldn't come til late, and Hunter was with his mom. I would have loved to talk to Jeff longer, but what can you do? I guess the phone will have to do.

This doesn't bode well for the Berryman family reunion this coming Sunday. We met Dad and Bobby today. Neither of them will be there. So, now it's down to Granny, Carolyn and Billy. Last I checked, they don't have any young children for Natalie to play with. Matthew will be in Longworth with Grandman and Grandpa racecar. Natalie is there this week. Junior, I'm sure, will be there with his family. Bill, Lisa, Mason, Dave and Steph, I'm sure, won't be there. C.W. and his wife will be there, but I bet Clay will not be there. Kyle and his wife, Jennifer, probably won't be there, but I hope they will. Different Kyle from last weekend. Whitney I haven't seen in years, probably won't be there. God, I hope I am surprised by who shows up. I always love to see my Granny, but circumstances lately haven't helped us out any. Billy and Carolyn are a joy to see too. It just always seems to be too long between visits with anyone for the visits to be meaningful. There is too much to talk about, so nothing ever seems to get talked about at all. Just a lot of, "This is Jimmy, you know, James' son.", and "I remember you when you were this tall." Hell, what do you say to that? I don't know any of my cousins on that side very well, other than Bill and Steph and Junior. I hope to see my Dad's uncle Jerry also. I love talking to him. He is funny and very down to earth. This family reunion will never be the same without my Papa. The atmosphere is not the same. They still play music, but I don't listen anymore. Bobby and Carrie aren't 4 years old, out there dancing with everyone getting out of there way, and just watching the pure hillarity of it all. We don't go to the old jail museum anymore. I don't know if it is still open. It may well be a 7-11 now, who knows. I won't get in a fight with one of my other cousins and split the skin between my thumb and forefinger open so you can see inside my hand because I'm breaking a stick to show him how tough I am. Coy is gone, that sucks and always will. I know that family is something to be thankful for, but come on. Actually, I value family and friends above all else, but do we really have to put ourselves and our immediate families through this? It's just so hot. I'm not part of the family that is still connected on a regular basis. Does anyone there besides the afore mentioned people care if I show up or not? I doubt it, I probably don't miss many that don't show up either. We are just not part of each other's lives or thought process anymore. We should be, but we are not. The Berryman reunion was an event that I very much looked foreward to when I was young, and I wish it were still that way. I don't remember a Davidson reunion til college, but that was fun too. Buffalo Gap, if I remember correctly.

Yes, it was a better time when we were closer. Yes, I wish it was still that way, but when you have to look foreward to seeing your father or grandmother or aunt and uncle at a family reunion, are we really still a family? I know that we love who we are close to, and wish that we could spend more time together, but is this the way to do it? The past weekend was not an example of what a family reunion should be to me. I felt like I was on the outside looking in. I didn't care to be involved in what was going on. I spent time with who I wanted to, and hardly any of it was in the conference room. We spent our time in the lobby / restuarant area. Should you have a business meeting during a family reunion? I don't think so, but they did. I did not attend, I sent my lovely representative, Angelina. Once a family reunion becomes a business, what's the point? They didn't pay for my family to be there, or anything that we did, so what't the business meeting for?

Well, this is probably enough of me griping for one night. Be glad that you don't have to be around me on a regular basis. You only have to see me at family reunions!!!

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but I had to get that out.

See ya then,

Jim aka "the life of the reunion"


At 5:52 PM, July 25, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

If you want anything said or ever even thought of saying -- it will come out of a Berryman at one time or another. Thanks Jim for speaking straight from the heart and it was all true!!! I love ya Bunches and I will see you in a couple of weeks at your house -- not a dumb reunion!!!

At 11:41 PM, July 25, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I hear ya sweetie!! I am not sure about these family reunions either. I use to look forward to ours every year, but now I feel like you described!


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