Thursday, July 14, 2005

Wednessday News

Let me start with two things

Billy, I have no idea why your letters are coming up as symbols. Quit typing in Chinese I guess. Honestly, contact the site provider, maybe they can help.

Second, remember the quote contest goes through Saturday, for the muddy picture of Natalie (scroll down). I would like some more quotes to chose from, even though Billy's will be hard to beat. Shirt, towel, and armband are at stake here. Yellow Lance Armstrong style even.

Ok, you will have to forgive me for a little bit for my upcoming language. I don't mean to offend anyone, but sometimes when I speak from my heart it gets a little rough. Here goes.

They caught the son-of-a-bitch that robbed our house. He is in jail. They won't let me see him, but he is in jail. There are also two other people that helped him in jail also. They were caught on something else, but when the piece-of-shit confessed, he implicated them in the crime. He faces between 8 to 12 felony charges right now. I asked the investigator, Chase Nolan, if I could have 15 minutes with him and he said NO. I told him that he could bring him out to the house to re-create the crime, but he still wouldn't budge. I really want a piece of this guy. I know I talk a lot of shit, and most of you know that I am really a nice guy, but I have nothing but hatred for this son-of-a-bitch. I wouldn't care if he was 7 feet tall and weighed 500 pounds, I would beat the shit out of him. He ruined our sense of saftey. He messed up everything that we moved out here for. He made me feel like a failure as a husband and a father who is supposed to protect his family. I am not personally afraid of anyone hurting me, but Angie has her moments when she is scared. We have too much to lose, not materially, but the kids. I hate to leave for any reason after dark, because if something were to ever happen, I would never forgive myself. I know things can happen in the daytime, but I do have to leave for work. Tonight I went to town for groceries, formula and lunch meat and so on, and on the way home, Angie called because she heard something. It ended up being fireworks that were way off, but I felt that I had let my family down because I wasn't here to investigate the source of the noise. There seems to be no happy medium. I waited until the kids were in bed to go get groceries so I could help put them to bed, and then this happens. I don't want Angie to be scared, but I know that I can't understand her point of view either. She is the one that came home to a wrecked house. If we are to be robbed again, I want nobody to be home, or just me alone, but nobody else. The thing is, once this actually happens, you can't help but think about it everytime you leave. It makes you so damn mad. I hope that we can at least get Angie's pearl necklace back, nothing else is important. Dad and Papa's guns can never take away my memories, but Angie's necklace was bought specifically for her, and I don't have the money to replace it. Even if I did, it wouldn't mean the same to her. Her parents bought it initially, and have added to it almost every year, until it was almost a full 16" string of pearls. You will never hear her complain, but it really did mean the world to her, and that sucks. I love her so much that it kills me that it was taken from her. Maybe some stroke of luck will hit us and we will get our stuff back, but I just can't see it happening. I will keep track of what happens to our boy, Spiderman. I hope he gets the 10 years that Chase told me he would push for. Hell, I might even keep close enough tabs to be there when he is released. I won't forget what he has done, and I don't think jail time is enough. I want my 15 minutes with him.

Thanks for letting me air this emotion out. I know people are robbed all the time, but I guess it is different when it happens to you. I don't remember crying when it has happened to someone else, but I am now. I just want a little justice, and with any luck I will get it. One way or another.

Maybe he will enjoy getting his ass reamed out in the Huntsville Pen. Sorry, did I say that out loud? Oh well. I really did hold back in this post. That is probably the least offensive thing that I thought about. I don't know how to convey all the things that I want to do or have done. I am also afraid that I might get kicked off of this blog site if I type them. I just get very emotional when people do things to my family. I can't help it.

Be safe. Lock your doors. Set your alarms. Take your keys out of your cars. Watch your backs. There are bad people out there. Don't give them any opportunities, they will take them.

See ya then,


P.S. calling before you show up here after dark might not be a bad idea.


At 8:40 AM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

I am so glad that they finally caught those people! I know you feel violated, but don't let them make you run scared. I hope they get Angie's pearls back. I know how much they mean to her. Hug my babies for me.....

At 3:16 PM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

OH this is the best news!! I am so glad to hear that they caught the SOB!!! I will say a prayer that Angie gets her pearls back!

At 7:52 PM, July 14, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

What a sigh of relief -- the weight has been lifted from your chest!!! They caught him and his partners and now they will pay, maybe not in the way YOU want -- but they will pay and maybe they will all be somebodies B&**H!!!!! Hope you all have a great rest of the week!!! Love you all...

At 7:57 PM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Videos by Professor Howdy said...

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At 8:18 PM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Videos by Professor Howdy said...

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At 10:28 AM, July 15, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Thank God they cought them. Now lets see what happens to them. Keep safe.


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