Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Quote contest

I will select a winner on Saturday, and that person will recieve a Yellow 24 Hour Fitness / Lance Armstrong t-shirt (L or XL), a Livestrong bracelet, and a golf towel.
So get your entries in early and often. No limit on the number of entries per person.

P.S. You can click on this picture or any other to see it larger.

P.S.S. The quote contest is for this picture only!!!


At 7:55 AM, July 12, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Cute pictures!! One that popped to mind first is "Mud Bath"

At 9:37 AM, July 12, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Natalie the model picture should read: Eat your heart out Sports Illustrated! Or My Daddy is Psycho and he has a Gun -- don't let him see you looking at me!

At 3:35 PM, July 12, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Hey! Dad Where's Braydon?

At 7:15 AM, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Dad...Let me out of here! I promise not to lay on the beach anymore. Really, I promise, Please? Please?


At 8:37 AM, July 14, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

No one will ever know what I'm really thinking.....

At 8:09 PM, July 14, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

OOps! I thought we could pick any of the vacation pictures!!! Duh!!!

Natalie buried in the mud: You just thought you could get rid of me Matthew, but just wait until I get out of this hole and Mom and Dad aren't looking.

At 1:12 AM, July 15, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

Weak, except for Billy. You guys are gonna have to step it up to win. But, Beth actually has the real story correct. They both dug holes in the beach and Matthew did push the extra sand in on Natalie, and she was stuck good. I could not pull her out, I had to dig her out. But, I am looking for FUNNY quotes. That's why I gave no explanation for the pic to start with.


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