Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Vacation part 3

Ok, Tuesday we had to go shoping. I took razors, but no shaving cream, I looked nasty. So we headed off across the ferry which took an hour, then to Aransas Pass to WAL-MART, yeah I know. Got our stuff, uncluding a fishing liscense. Then back across the ferry which took 45 minutes. I have no idea why the state decided to dredge 2 of the 4 ferry landings on the Aransas Pass side on the 4th of July weekend then into the next week, but they did. Thankfully they were done by the time we left, and it was business as usual.

We got Brayden and went to the beach, Bill and Barbara were already there, but Cheryl and Debbie had already been and gone. I went fishing and caught 14 fish. 5 on the first 5 casts from the 1st sandbar. They were all Pinfish, which are beautiful perch. I didn't know what they were then, but as it turns out they are great baitfish for some of the bigger fish to be had in the surf. Oh well. I will link to a picture for you to see them here. www.marinefisheries.org/fish/pinfish.jpg They are even brighter in color in real life. I caught one whiting, some croaker, and one that I still can't find a picture for. It was about the size of a 5" plate, very silver with black fins, a split tail, and smooth skin, no scales. I have no idea what it was, but I would want it in a saltwater aquarium.

Wednessday we went and played on the bay side of the island. The kids caught hermit crabs, and I fished in the bay where we were. The picture of me and Matthew fishing is from there. We only caught pinfish there but had a good time. Later we headed to the Ocean side and had a ball there too.

Thursday we wanted to be done with the ocean and beach early so we could go eat with Bill, Barbara, Debbie, Jordan and Lorrin who were leaving the next day to go home. So we did the beach thing early, and were ready to go eat at 7:40. We went to what used to be our favorite place, Frenchy's. It is now Doc's, and it isn't nearly as good. The food is OK, but the prices are way too high. Their porch is where the group photo was taken. Nice place, but probably our last time there.

Friday we were alone, just the 5 of us. We went to the beach, and I learned something about fishing in the Ocean. DON'T WADE OUT TO FISH WITH YOUR BAIT IN THE POCKET OF YOUR SWIMSUIT. Wow, what a bonehead move. The fish will still try to get it, and all you can think about is a huge shark biting through the ever so protective shell of your swim trunks. Yeah, I hightailed it back to the beach, still don't know why I didn't just reach in and throw the bait away, but I ran for it. Did you know that fish are much faster in the water than they are on land? I must have forgotten. Oh well, on to the highlight of the trip.

We, or should I say Angie, wanted a picture of the kids in the water with the Ocean as the background. So, she gave Brayden to Nat and Matt. We both should have known better. I could never get Brayden to look at the camera. Eventually, Natalie was stung by the only damn jellyfish in the ocean. When this happened, she let go of Brayden and started running and yelling. For some reason, Matthew let him go to. Brayden can't stand up yet, so he fell on his face in about 2-3 inches of water. We must have looked like idiots, running around, yelling at each other. Neither of us believed Natalie about the jelly, but Matthew found it later. Meanwhile Brayden had a mouthful of Seawater and sand, gagging. Angie got him, I was frozen, totally. She was yelling at me, I was yelling at Natalie, who knows where Matthew was and Brayden was learning to swim. Afterward, when Matt found the Jelly, and Natalie was cleared of all charges, and Brayden was actually still alive, it was hillarious. Brayden cleared up his breathing pretty quickly. Natalie's sting was forgotten by morning and Matthew got off scot free, even though he should have still had a hold on Brayden. I guess he got lost in the mix. Lucky boy, also, he found the jelly that exonerated his big sister. That was it for the beach on this trip. We went home and did the best thing that we have ever done. Angie did all the laundry at a laundromat, while I completely cleaned out the Suburban. Washed, vaccuumed, and wiped off the dash. Then went and got supper. When we got home we didn't have a day and a half of laundry to do. What a break.

On the drive home we stopped in Austin and had lunch with my cousin/big brother, Bill. He had just put Lisa and Mason on a plane to New Mexico and was alone. I don't know what Lisa and Mason did to deserve being sent to New Mexico, but I assume it was pretty bad. Actually, they went to see her brother and his wife and child. We had a great lunch, and went to the house afterward and just rested a while. I now have over a hundred Lance Armstrong "Livestrong bracelets". So, if you want one, just let me know, it's yours. Bill just opened up a gym in Austin with a Lance Armstrong theme, and he was there for the opening. He loaded us up with bracelets, and Yellow 24 Hour Fitness T-shirts, and Golf towels. Anybody want a towel? Got home about 10pm or so, then just swam on Sunday in the new pool. Great Anniversary!!

That should about do it.

See ya then



At 8:03 AM, July 12, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness!! I could actually see that whole scene being played out! Glad to hear that Brayden made it threw all of it! I could see Kelsey doing the same exact thing to Brandon. Drop and run! Sounds like you guys had a very memorable vacation. Thanks for sharing all the details with us here!

At 10:29 AM, July 12, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Now I know the rest of the story...Brayden has been initiated to the ocean going branch of the family. Too bad he won't be able to remember it! Glad to know everyone made it through OK and had a good time.

At 3:32 PM, July 12, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

We know that Brayden is prabably tramatised for life but the story is hilarious. We both laughed so hard. Could see the whole thing going down. Memories are made of this.

At 8:10 PM, July 12, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

That sounds like something you and Bobby would have done if you had another sibling except without the jelly fish -- just let him/her go in the ocean to see if it would float or not! Thanks for the laugh -- poor Brayden.


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