Sunday, July 10, 2005


First off, just let me say Happy Anniversary to my incredible wife, Angie, it has been an almost perfect 12 years. I love you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are still things that I love about you that nobody else is privy to. I haven't posted them yet, but I will, here are a few. The way you can take care of Brayden in the middle seat of our Suburban on a 8 hour drive. He hates his car seat, but we love the coast. Also, the way you take care of him on the beach, WOW! We have to get an ocean sounds cd, fast. He sleeps so well at the beach. I don't care what anybody else thinks, or thought then, we will always be together. Happy Anniversary, I LOVE YOU!!

OK, on to the vacation itself. We left last friday, the 1st. We spent the night at Billy and Tina's house in San Antonio. It is always fun when we are with them, we just get along well together. Saturday morning, almost afternoon, we left for the coast. It must have been 5 pm when we finally got all our stuff unloaded into the beach house. Then we stayed on the beach untill dark, and past. Billy and Tina and crew stayed with us. Total relaxation. The sun, then the lack of sun, was great. Billy and I went fishing later, until 4 am, and had a ball. We caught 7 hardheads, he caught 4 and I caught 3. These fish are uneatable, and we let them go, but it was very fun.

All for now, but I will finish tommorrow night, I promise. I am tired, and stayed up too late to see how today's stage of the Tour de France turned out. I absolutely love bike racing, and would watch even if it were illegal. I wish there were more races on TV, I can't get enough.


P.S. Carrie, my blob is back in action, so read away.


At 6:21 PM, July 10, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

Love you too! It's honestly been a fun, action-packed 12 years and I would have ever wanted to share these years with anyone else. :)


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