Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bill won a bet

Well, my cousin Bill has finally won one. This past weekend we bet the Tarver vs. Johnson fight. Bill had Antonio Tarver and I had Glen Johnson. Tarver won it, and now I am back to being up by only one. 2-1 is the record for now, but we have another one this weekend. I'm just waiting for him to chose Arturo Gatti and lose. I really like Floyd Mayweather Jr. in this one, but it is Bill's call. I'll let you know when he selects who he wants to lose with, I mean bet on.

The pool is all but done. They are supposed to come and do the cement around it tommorrow. After that, all we have to do is wait for it to cure. The kids did swim tonight though. I lifted them in and out of the pool, because the steps are not done yet, and there is nothing but dirt around it. But they had a great time, and can't wait for it to be finished. They expect everyone to come swim with them whenever they can. Everyone is invited, just show up. Funny to me though, it will be finished just in time for us to leave for vacation next weekend. Probably be green when we get back.

Nothing much else to report. I talked to the investigator today. He had someone coming in today to talk to him. The way I understood it, this person is trying to plea bargain out of another crime, and has information on several burglaries, including ours. This is promising, but I don't see how we can get our hopes up about getting any of our stuff back after two months. Still, I will keep you all informed as to what happens.

Everyone here is fine, and I hope all of you are too.



At 8:31 AM, June 23, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

The pool sounds great. We hope to have ours up and running by the weekend. Hope the police come up with something to help get the robbery solved. Maybe this is the break they need. Love Ya! Mom


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