Sunday, June 19, 2005

Race Night

Ok, we are at Angie's mom and dad's this weekend. Granny and Pop were supposed to be at Buffalo Gap selling popcorn. So, we went over this afternoon to see them, guess what, they were not there. They are having some kind of problems with their motorhome, so they did not come. Angie did get a pickle sno-cone though, oops, make that two. I got beef jerky and a carne guisada burrito, so all turned out well. Afterward, we went to Sam's and did a little shopping.

The races were next. Billy, Tina, Taylor and Tyler were there. Karen and Mark came a little later. We all helped sell fuel, and watched some racing. The 4-wheeler races were more eventful than I expected. They race better than I thought they would, definitely better than they look on video tape. They are pretty fast, I really don't know how I will do when I finally get to come race. I know my 4-wheeler can perform, just not sure about the driver.

Bill, grandpa racecar, did exceptionally well in his races. I can't remember if he got second or third in the heat race, but these are just for starting position in the feature. In the feature, he started third row outside. By lap three he was in first place and never looked back. He lead the remainder of the race. At one point, only one car was within a quarter of a lap of him. Yellow flags bunched things back up a couple of times, but he stayed in the lead, and won by half of a car length. The final straight away was the only time that anyone ever got close enough to be any kind of a threat. He got a little loose coming out of turn 4, but held on for the win. Way to go Bill. This is 2 wins in the last 2 weeks. AWESOME!! Also, was a hell of a lot of fun to watch. Just couldn't wait for them to throw the white then checkered flag. Seemed to go on forever.

Came back to the house and drank a beer with my brother-in-law, Billy. Just kind of chilled out in the carport, and talked. Never enough time to talk anymore. We both used to live here in Longworth, now he is in San Antonio, and we are in Decatur. Oh well, we do take advantage of the time that we have, and that is what is important. I really don't think I could have asked for better in-laws. Everyone is fun, all the kids get along well together, and the adults too. How often does that happen anymore. Normally everyone is too concerned with themselves, or busy bitching at each other. Not here, everyone gets along, and that is just too nice.

Well, I guess I should go wash my dirty body, and get some sleep




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