Sunday, June 12, 2005

Yeah, I won again.

No big deal, right. I can't seem to lose at poker lately. We had a larger group of friends out tonight. Richard and Kristi came and brought their children, Graham and Natalie. Then J.J. and Kari came and brought Ty. Kelly came by himself. Gene and Shelli brought Gaitland and Greeley. Ty played with us the first go round, and got second, he is 9! Wow!! Not bad, and he actually does know what he is doing. The second time around, yeah I won again. Good to know things are back in line. I thought I was losing it, especially losing to a 9 year old. But, that is all him and his dad do.

Now, my friends. I have been waiting for this for a long time. I know all my friends, of course, but they don't all know each other. I met Richard through Junior Berryman, they are neighbors. I met J.J. throught Angie, because when she had her own aerobics classes in Justin, Kari was one of the first to sign up. Kelly followed me out here from Carlsbad, NM. I have played a lot of poker with him. We have known Gene and Shelli the longest. I went to high school with both of them. They have just moved to Bridgeport from Sweetwater. This is great, they are really fun to be around. All of my friends are fun, but Gene and Shelli are from home. We have a great connection and we all really like each other. Also, their youngest is a couple of months younger than Brayden, awesome!

We are still waiting for Gary Wayne and Lindsey to be able to come out, but there is always something going on that seems to hamper that. I know that they will make it someday, no doubt.

Thats about all for tonight, I need a shower and some sleep. Maybe Brayden will make it through the night, I hope so.



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