Monday, June 06, 2005

Sunday the Fifth

Today we woke up kind of early, around 7 a.m. We got Brayden fed, then did little stuff around the house. I did the dishes, and Angie mowed with the push mower, the things I don't get with the riding mower. Natalie woke up and ate, the me and Brayden hooked up the trailer and got stuff ready for me and Matt to go ride, if he would only wake up. Brayden went to sleep, and I loaded the 4-wheelers. Brayden woke up again, and we continued to get things ready to go ride. Then, Finally, Matthew woke up, ate breakfast, and we left about 10:30 a.m.

We drove over to George's house, where we were rained out last weekend. George was supposed to have built a motorcross track there, but I didn't see one, so we rode around a pond and a wellhead. WOW! There was one place to jump, but it wasn't much. Matthew did have a great time, because he rode the track backward, and the jumps are bigger that way. Matt is fearless, the one jump he did this for is about 6-7 feet up, but he was taking it downhill. He got some good air, toward the pond, actually wasn't able to stop in time once and ended up in it.

We left at about 2:30, got lunch in Decatur, and came home. I left my 4-wheeler there for George to ride. He is buying a 4-wheeler or a dirtbike in a few days, and I want him to go with a 4-wheeler, so I am tempting him with mine. We got home about 3:30. I helped Angie with Brayden for a bit, then went to mow. I mowed for about 1 1/2 hours and then had to go help my neighbor put the roof on his barn/shop. This took about an hour and a half. While I was gone, Angie finished up with the riding mower while Natalie looked after Brayden. Nat is a huge help as long as he is not too cranky.

I took a shower and we went to IHOP for supper. Then to WALMART!!! Yes Walmart. There are certain things that we can only get there. Such as formula for Brayden. It is $11.98 there and $15.99 at Albertson's. Why try to fight it, I guess. Most of my hatred for Walmart has worn off, but I will still use IGA when I can. I actually had a friend of mine call me to rat Angie out for going to Walmart the other day, now that was funny!

I'm mostly over the tournament, but Kendall still bothers me. I just read yesterday's post, and yeah that still bugs me. I hope she can overcome that, if not, I hope she tries 8 and under next year. I may urge her parents to do so. I actuall believe it will help her development to be a star on a team her own age as opposed to being just a substitute on our team. I really don't know what to do, but I have most of a year to think about it.

I didn't weigh myself today, but I will in the morning. I ate horribly this week, but I still have some hope. Chinese food and sno-cones can't be all that bad, can they?

See ya then,



At 8:46 AM, June 06, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Sorry to hear about the tournament. You did a great job with the girls this year, so look forward to building on that for next year. It may take time, but it will be worth the results. Tell Matt to be careful. Hug them for me.


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