Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Softball Tournament

In case anyone is interested, our first game in the softball tournament is Saturday morning, June 4th, at 8:00 a.m. We will either play our next game at 9:30 if we lose or 12:30 if we win, and so on. Anyone that wants to come, please do. It should be a lot of fun, and the forecast isn't too bad either.

I'm drawing a complete blank on what to write about for some reason, maybe because my kids are gone camping. I went down to take Natalie some more clothes today, we shorted her for some reason. I also took them a bunch of firewood, so they can burn a fire as long as they want. Brad and Cheryl were there today also, and were planning to take Krista and Laura home today. B & C have spent their nights in Grandbury, I believe they were having some kind of Memorial Day Celebration, and Grandbury is a neat old town. Lots of antique stores and such there.

Also, I am set and committed to race in Abilene on June 18th. Everything is ready, my 4-wheeler, my gear, and my brain. So, off we go. I must be nutty, but to hell with it, I'm going anyway. I found out today that they race 4-wheelers in Witchita Falls at their dirt track also, so we may go up there and see what Matthew can do. Hey, he's mine and I'll do with him what I please, so don't bother with the "Oh, no, you maybe, but not Matthew". We'll have none of that, anybody starts on me with that and I'll buy the boy a shifter cart and enter Natalie in football, or wrestling, or something of that nature. Seriously, though, Matthew is very good on his 4-wheeler, and I think he would enjoy it. I'll be nervous as hell, but I have to let go sometime. By the way, I forgot to mention that they have age classes, I won't be throwing him to the wolves, maybe just the pups.

Also, we should finalize our deal on a new in-ground pool this week. They said that after construction begins, we will be swimming in 2 weeks. So if you get to hot this summer, just come on over and hop in. I'll keep you updated on when they start and when they finish.

Sorry that I was all over the place tonight, just out of sorts a little bit, but the kids come home on Thursday, and life should return to its normal chaotic self then. I can't wait.



At 12:39 PM, June 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, I love your blog!! I find myself looking forward to reading it everyday and when the days have gone by and I didn't have time to read it, I'll sit and catch up on everything I missed! I usually have to do that when the kids are napping. And when David gets home I'll give him the rundown on what has been going on! If you guys end up going to Wichita Falls let us know ahead of time because that is only what an hour and a half to two hours from us. I still can't get over how big Matt and Nat are. When I first met you guys Angie was pregnant with Matt and we had just gotten married! Now 8 years later we all have 3 kids! Congrats on your 3 pound weight loss! I know how exciting just a few pounds can be. I've lost 45 at the moment and I'm working off another 15 then I get new boobs!! And I think I'll leave on that note! We love you guys!

At 3:27 PM, June 01, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I for one say YEAH! for Matthew :) He will love that. We can put these kids in a bubble all there lives right? Might as well help then along in doing things they want instead of them finding a way to do them while we aren't watching right? The weekend that you will be in Abilene for the race we will be having an All Star tournament for Kelsey, but maybe it will work out that we can come to the track at some point to see you. Do you know about what time your race and such will be?

Oh the in ground pool sounds like heaven!!! I would kill to have a pool.. But since I am not ready to go to prison for killing for it I guess I will just have to wait.. One of these days perhaps!

At 3:29 PM, June 01, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

okay So I didn't proof read first..

It should say I " We CAN'T put these kids in a bubble all there lives right? "


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