Monday, May 30, 2005


Well, today, a week after starting this little thing about my weight I have lost 3 Pounds. I now weigh 264. I wasn't able to eat as good as I wanted, but I did eat better than I had been. Next week I will attempt to do better, and the tournament next weekend is historically very hot, so maybe that will help.

Today we went to Glen Rose and dropped off the kids with Grandma and Grandpa Racecar at Dynosaur Valley State Park. When I say dropped off, I mean we went and stayed about 7 hours. We had a lot of fun. Matthew and I walked down to one of the spots in the river that you can see dynosaur tracks, or so they say. I didn't see anything that stood out as a dynosaur track, just a running river. When we returned, Grandma racecar told me that site #2 has the best tracks, and we went to site #3. That figures, I wanted something memorable with Matthew, because everyone says that the middle child always gets ignored. Maybe when I go pick them up on Thursday he can show me where they are. Grandma and Grandpa racecar had 6 of their grandchildren there, and Matt was the only boy. So, Natalie had plenty to do. Jordan, Lorrin, Krista and Laura were all there. Taylor and Tyler did not come, so Matt has to endure a week of being the only boy and being the youngest. I believe Tyler is a month younger, but maybe he is a month older. Let me know, Tina, there are too many to keep up with. I'm sure Matthew and Grandpa will get into plenty of trouble. Heck, Grandpa got stopped for speeding in the park, on the way to parking the trailer. He is sure that the park rangers all just pick on him. Yeah, they will, if you speed, being the Barney Fifes that they are.

Brad and Cheryl were there too. They brought Krista and Laura up from San Antonio. Angie and Cheryl always enjoy each others company, and I really enjoy talking to Brad. We are into the same kinds of things. He really knows his stuff. He has raced dirt bikes since he was very young, and still does. Now, he is into shifter carts. These are some wicked things, he broke ribs twice, without getting into wrecks, just because they corner so hard.

We returned home about 10:30 pm, fed the baby, and Angie and Brayden went to bed. I went into town to buy some synthetic motor oil for my 4-wheeler. I need to change the oil badly. So I will do that in the morning before I go to my buddy George's new motorcross track. Hopefully, it won't rain us out, because I am really looking foreward to riding a little bit. I have watched the video from the 4-wheeler races in Abilene, twice now, and I am convinced that I can really compete. The guy that won may be a little much for me, but the rest seemed to be beatable. He won by a mile, and didn't seem to ride very hard, always the mark of an accomplished rider, which I am not. There were guys he lapped and was coming up on again. Come on, I can do better than that, so at least I will not come in last.

Well that's it for tonight, see ya tommorrow.



At 1:46 PM, May 31, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Way to go on the 3 pound loss! :) Keep up the good work.

We will be thinking of you guys this weekend during the tournament!

Send our love to everyone.


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