Sunday, May 22, 2005

It's all about accountabillity!!

Who knows if it's spelled right, I can't seem to be able to get the spell check to work, and I won't look it up in the dictionary, too much trouble. I weigh too damn much, not that I have just noticed, but maybe that I finally care. My daughter can outrun me, because I am afraid of my knees giving out. They are both horrible, but less weight on them could not hurt a thing. I weigh 267 today, actually less than I did a few months ago, but still way too much. Surprise anybody? Yeah 267. No I haven't ballooned lately or anything, its just what I have been hovering around for about 2 years. I have never been successful on any diet, because I really didn't, and don't, care about diets. Anybody remember the concession stand stuff? But, I have always been fairly accounatble, so I will post my weight on here every Sunday. This is a direct rip off of a friend of Kim Halfmann's, but I actually believe it will work. I won't lie about it, I will just post my weight and see if it has gone up or down. I am not looking for support, but to hold myself to it. If the things I did the week before didn't promote some type of weight loss, I will change what I do, whether it be diet or maybe, oh hell, just maybe, exercise. Even though, the weather outside is considerable warmer, and I will be spending much more time on my feet, I may just exercise.

Now, I have always helped myself to fail, according to Angie, by setting my goals too far out of reach, and weighing myself every night. So, how does 250 sound for the first goal? I will only weigh myself once a week. I probably won't change much the quantity of food that I consume right off, but it should be easy to eat healthier, because I eat out every day. So I will go with grilled stuff and veggies, instead of fried stuff and fries. That should be fine, I love grilled fish and chicken, and veggies, it just seems that everyone that I eat with eats fried food, and I fall right in with them in doing so. I just have to make an effort to remember this. May cost more, but the company usually pays, so who cares?

So, I threw it out there, let's see where it takes us. Should be fun, hell, I may be at 250 in time for the beach. Who knows.


P.S. My cousin, Bill, and I have had a running bet for about 2 years based on big time boxing matches. Boxing is the only sport we both follow, as he is not the sports nut that I am. Neither of us can remember who owes who how many lunches, but that all changes now. Here is our record keeping device. We spoke today, and agreed to start over with last night's Andrew Golota versus Lamon Brewster fight. He had Golota, and I had Brewster. Brewster won in 53 seconds. So Bill, you now owe me one lunch, grilled of course, I'm thinking Truelucks Steaks and Stonecrabs should do fine. All future boxing bets will be posted on here before the matches, so anyone interested can keep track. Thanks for playing along and indulging me.


Hey, beer isn't fattening is it?


At 9:09 AM, May 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

267? Ok Jim - I'm having a hard time with that. When I think of Jim.....its 1990 and you're a tall, skinny kid with a fro! I know, I know I was skinny then too - but this is about you and not me. With love I tell you to get a dog and go for a walk!

At 9:41 AM, May 23, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Wow! Jim, no more Mrs. Allen's for you when you come home!

At 11:25 AM, May 23, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Oh Sweetie. I feel ya.. I am right there with you. I have to learn to be accountable for my actions when it comes to food choices and exercise. I have been going to weight watchers for a couple of months now and have lost 12 pounds ( was at 14 1/2) but gained back a little.) It is hard! without a doubt, it is hard.. Just changing little things will make a huge difference!

Your goal is VERY doable! Making those small goals is the way to do it. Then when you get there you can make another.

Remember that if you drink lots of water that helps tremendously as well!

I know you can do this. It just takes a lot of thought and planning.

Kim ~ who is back on her program today and plan on sticking with her WW points this week!

One day at a time is the only way you can do it!
Love ya.

At 12:09 PM, May 25, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Go for iit. And congras on making a goal. I can't even do that anymore.


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