Monday, May 16, 2005

Bison or Buffalo?

The dictionary reads: The American Bison, commonly called a Buffalo.......... So they are the same thing, right? Not according to Matthew. A Buffalo is a Buffalo. On the other hand, a Bison, has 3 legs, on each side, a beaver tail, and can fly. This was revealed to me, Angie, Natalie, Grandma and Grandpa Racecar, and Brayden, at the dinner table, just before 7 P.M. Obviously this is where Bison wings come from, being the popular eat that they are, I had often wondered. I actually walked into the pantry and shut the door to laugh this one out. I believe Angie's dad, Grandpa Racecar, asked the question. Matthew was serious, so serious, in fact, that Grandpa bought into this for a second or two. We have a high fenced hunting ranch starting about a half of a mile from us, to the West, and we see Buffalo all the time, not to mention Elk, various deer, hogs, goats, and sheep. So obviously, Matthew is The Expert on this as well as many other things, being in first grade, and all.

By the way, a few mornings a week, on the way to school, we see a small group, about 15, of hogs on the hunting ranch. Each time we do, Matthew and Natalie comment on how happy/excited Papa Bock Bock, their name for my Papa Berryman, would be to see this. I have to agree, except that the high fence probably would not stop him from taking a few back to the house to make sausage out of. Honestly still brings me to tears that Papa is gone. They always ask me if I am O.K., and I tell them that I am, but I miss him, and yes, he would be very happy to see the hogs. I know he would.

O.K. the 4 wheeler race is out for me, this month. I have entered our softball team in a tournament this coming weekend, so the body cast is just going to have to wait. I thing this will make a few people happy, because they think I am too old or fat or whatever to do this, but June 18 is the next one, and I will be there. I got my ride all back in order yesterday evening, just before the people showed up to give me their money in the poker tournament. I was in fact the last man standing, even though not all that played were men. We did have a very good time, even though it lasted till after 1 A.M. Brayden did not care what time we went to bed when he woke up this morning, HUNGRY!! Oh well, we knew before we started that it would be a short night for us. As they say, "Thems the breaks", or as Papa said, "Sometimes you have to take the sour pickles with the ice cream." I guess he was right, but it was fun.

I did mention that Grandma and Grandpa Racecar are here, didn't I? They came to watch Natalie play softball tommorrow evening in Paradise, Texas. Hell of a name, huh? We play at 6:00 p.m., and I do expect a good game from our girls. Hopefully the attitude, and hitting will carry over from the last game we played. Even though we tied, we definitely played our best game of the year, by far. So I will be updating you on that game and other stuff tommorrow.

Till then, have fun.



At 1:33 PM, May 18, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

At lease we know where buffalo wings come from. ups!is it bison?


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