Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Knockout Blow

Ok, first things first. I talked to the Investigator again today, and I give up. They are never going to catch anyone. The videos that they have cannot be enhanced, or so they say. They have to be torn down and reconstructed piece by piece, because they are digital. He says digital video is so compressed to begin with that they can't do much to them afterwards. So what the hell good is it to use new technology if it can't help us. The old video, on tape, you could zoom in on all day, but not the new stuff. Quick, somebody call the guys at CSI, because the hillbillies are stumped. Damn! ARG!! Double ARG!!! Oh, by the way, he said the reconstruction of the video could take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months, depending on how busy the DPS lab is. Enough of that stuff. NEXT!

Ok, back to the knockout blow. Today I was wearing a cap, because I need a haircut. I had a busy day, so I was in a hurry. I did some new hook ups, and re-did some old ones. On one of the old ones, I had my head down, in a hurry, and walked HEAD on into a ball valve that was sticking out about 6 feet off the ground. A big old blue KF, 2000 pounder. I don't know why it was there, but it was, and it stopped me cold. I kind of remember falling against the fence around the wellhead, not barbed wire, thank God. I sat there a few minutes trying too get my bearings, and realizing my head was throbbing. I had a good knot on my forehead for about 4 hours, but other than that, I feel fine, and just kept working. I actually hit my head so hard, that when I fell, I didn't look around to see if anyone was looking, you all know the feeling, it never crossed my blank mind. I don't think I hurt the ball valve or wellhead any, at least it didn't say anything. No worries, after it was over, I just laughed at myself for being in such a hurry, but I was trying to get done, ya know.

Tommorrow, Natalie and I go to the Psychotherapist in Fort Worth at 9 a.m. I have never been to Nanny's office, so it should be interesting, and I will be able to inform everyone better about what she does after seeing it for myself. What I do know is that so far it is working, and that is great.

Brayden stayed all night in his bed last night, but Angie patted him alot, I think. His bed is right beside ours, but he was in it, and not in ours. We actually don't mind him sleeping in our bed, but we realize that the transition must be made, so the sooner the better. Maybe he needs a memory foam topper for his crib. It's an option.

Matt must need a transfusion, he is just being good. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? Wasn't long ago that we couldn't buy these type of days, and now it's all we get. I know, I know, what the hell am I griping about, but he is an incredibly fun, and funny kid, and I kinda miss the hellion side sometimes, that's all. It seems that the most he gets in trouble for anymore is talking when he isn't supposed to. No pushing, no fights, no nothing. Man how BORING!!

But, school is out soon, and they should have fun running around here, to the neighbors, to the ponds, finding snakes, frogs, crawdads, rabbits, skunks, buzzards, and the like. I need the summer off, hell we all do. Go ahead, take the summer off, paid of course, tell them I said it was O.K., they'll understand.

See ya tommorrow, bed time,


At 7:08 AM, May 12, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

When I wear a cap it saves making a scar, when I don't,I bleed. An yes if you will slow down you will not get hurt as often. Have a good day. Bill

At 9:26 AM, May 12, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

OUCH!Glad the hit to the head didn't do any lasting damage! Just one of those things that you have to laugh at yourself when it happens!


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