Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The weekend

I almost forgot, this weekend was beautiful, and Nat and Matt spent about 5 hours a day at the crawfish pond down the hill. I don't know if they were doing anything other than wasting hotdogs and bacon on the crawdads, but from their accounts, they sure did attract the snakes. Had to get Matthew on here somehow, didn't I. They saw a "water viper", I believe he called it, and he IS the expert, just ask Grandpa Racecar. It was black and white and could float. They barely escaped with their lives and had to be rescued by the neighbor's dad. He can see the pond from his house, and we cannot, but I do not worry, because it is less than 2 feet deep at its max, therefore, no fish, just crawdads. I don't mean to worry anyone, we do actually still check on them occasionally, just hard to see from our house, and the kids need to experience a little independance for themselves. We are usually all over them, and I know they need a break. I do believe the only thing they brought home from the pond was their bucket, and a hell of a lot of mud, oh well, there is always next time. Jim


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