Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Monday's softball game

Well, we played one of our two softball games, this week, today, a 12-12 tie. The Ump called it a tie to start the next game. Not ideal, but I had to work the concession stand for the late game, and it didn't end till 10 p.m., so I am not too mad. We played wonderfully. Our pitcher didn't show up, but our backup didnt allow a run in the first inning. We scored 3 in the first, Natalie struck out. That doesn't happen often. They scored 6 in the second, as did we. The ump started the 3rd inning with 1 1/2 minute remaining. MORON! We were up 9-6. Last inning, they scored 6. Our pitching fell apart, but it was 48 degrees and raining lightly. When we came to bat, I lost the game for us. I sent a girl to second on a batted ball that was overthrown to first base. Who Knew, their first baseman has a cannon for an arm, and was dead on. Got her by 2 steps. We ended up only scoring 3 runs in the last inning, and were lucky to do that. He, the ump, should have called two of our girls out, because my assistant touched, kinda pushed, two girls on third base, propelling them toward the plate. The girls are not used to running like we did tonight, so they were stopping on third base as usual. Not good enough when you are behind, because scoring runs is FUN! Winning is FUN, and we are here to have FUN... Oh well, the tie moves our record to 4-1-3, still not too bad, because we have no 10 year olds on our 10 and under team. We should be super next year, and I have no complaints about this year. Oh yeah, Natalie had 2 putouts at first base again tonight. The first was hit to our right fielder, who actually plays between 1st and 2nd, Dawn threw to Natalie for the out, later Natalie fielded a ground ball and beat the runner to first for the out. All in all, not a bad night, except for the weather. Oh well, we have another chance Thursday in Slidell, if it is not too muddy, it is supposed to rain tommorrow and Wednessday. All for now. Jim


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