Sunday, May 01, 2005


O.K. I know that some of you know, and some of you don't, that we had our house robbed on April 7th. This is just a recounting of events to keep everyone straingt, so no one gets left out. Natalie was sick on the 6th. On the 7th, I took Matthew to school, then went to work. Angie caught Natalie playing in her room that morning, looked at the clock, and said "You are going to school". It was before 9 am, if the children get to school before 9am they are not counted absent.
So she took Natalie to school, then went to the Post Office to ship some things that she sold on Ebay. When she returned home, less than an hour later, the house had been robbed. She was obviously very upset, and called me. I returned home, and called the police on the way. The people or person that robbed us took Angie's pearl necklace, that Angie's parents gave to her on her 16th birthday, and have been adding to ever since. They also took some other jewlrey, all of my guns, a rifle that was my grandfathers, one that was my fathers, a shotgun that was my fathers, and a rifle that my cousin gave me for Christmas. They took most of my power tools, including a very nice 18v circular saw that Angie got me for Christmas, I never even got to use it. About a 3 foot chunk of my clothes out of the closet, must have been dress clothes, because I don't know what is missing. My damn poker chips, good ones too! Also, Checks from my personal account, that were on top of my laptop, that they of course took. Checks from our joint account, and checks from Angie's personal account. We don't have that much money, but this is a way to buy presents for each other and the other person doesn't know how much they cost.

At first, we were very upset about the sentimental things that they took from us, but the checks turned out to be the real theft. They haven't actually gotten any money from us, but they have sent us into chaos. Every check recovery company in the U.S. is on us. Hell, Walmart will still take the stolen checks, but they wouldn't let Angie get out of the store last Sunday. That is total crap. We have had financial difficulties in the past, but were doing pretty well lately, and this has sent us back into the crap that we used to deal with on a regular basis. Telecheck, Vericheck, and a list of others are all used by the places we shop, and we cannot write checks anywhere. So we are a cash family now, we just got our new debit cards friday 4/29. Maybe things will settle some now. It's not fun to be without a way to buy groceries for the children, or formula for Brayden.

The Wise County Investigator told me Thursday, the he should have a warrant on someone next week. I hope he does, but he will not give me a name. It turns out that it looks like a female that robbed us. This is all from videotape from Walmart and Allsups. She wrote a check to Allsups within an hour of the robbery, took a while to get, as all of Allsups video is sent to the home office in New Mexico.

Other news, I am coaching Natalie's softball team this year, and we are 4-1-2, and having a great year. Our league is comprise of 12 teams, 3 from Decatur, 3 from Bridgeport, and some other local towns. Our one loss came at the hands of the Paradise team, 14-0, but we beat the team that beat them. This is the first year that the girls have to pitch, and it took us a while to develope a real pitcher. Jessica's mother was a college catcher, and they have been working together a bunch. She is awesome!! Natalie is by far the best first baseman in the entire league. She is responsible for 2-3 putouts per game. Not many hits, as the girls on the other teams can't get it over the plate very often, but as long as we are winning, I don't care, I mean having FUN!
Winning is the most fun though. We have beaten all of the Decatur teams and both Bridgeport teams that we have played, so all is well.

More to follow on the robbery and softball and whatever else.



At 11:54 AM, May 01, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Hey Sweetie!

Yeah :) I am glad to see I am not the only one easily persuade! i just wish we could easily persuade you guys to all move back to Abilene! *sigh*

I was so sick to hear the news about the robbery when Angie phoned me. It is such a violation! I sure hope that things are resolved very soon with everything there.

Way to go on the softball home front! I just love watching Kelsey playing.

Give Angie and the family our love. I will check at your blog often as well!


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