Thursday, May 05, 2005

Investigator Nolan

I called Investigator Nolan today. He told me that he was at the DPS lab getting the videos enhanced. I thought that this was supposed to have already been done, but it had not. He also informed me that he had a new video that involved a car, and he was trying to get that video enhanced to try to read the liscense plate. I asked about the other videos, that he has had for a while now, and he said that he couldn't get a positive ID from them. He said that it was the same woman and a child in all of them. Now, someone has passed checks on my personal account, and I guarantee that a woman did not do that, but he didn't have anything on that. Let's backtrack a little. I left out a few things from my first post. Either the same night or the night after the robbery, a person from a check cashing place in North Fort Worth called the house and asked me if I had written a $400 check to a woman named Leah Stout. I said NO. She called the cops, and as fate would have it, a gang unit was right across the street. They arrested her for the check and possesion of a controlled substance. She's out, and has been out, of jail now. Chase, Investigator Nolan, questioned her about where she got the check, and she said she got it from Spiderman!!! We found Spiderman, and Chase has since eliminated him as a suspect in the robbery. BUT, when I was in his office, he left to go recieve a fax, and I perused the file, SpiderMan is named Greggory Gilbert Glover, obviously his parents hated him, so do I. But what I want to know, is how can you recieve a check from someone, so soon after a robbery, if he didn't rob us, he must have helped, or know who did. Why eliminate him?

Enough of that rant, it hasn't done any good. Have you ever thought about robbing someone's house? Obvioulsy, these people do this all the time. What is in a person that makes them want to take things that aren't theirs? You have to know that you are going to be caught. You stand to lose a hell of a lot more than you gain, at some point. If I attempted to rob a house, I would probably be confronted by, locked doors, that I have no idea how to open, an alarm system, that people sometimes arm, Batman, Spiderman, Superman, The Grinch, Bigfoot, a doberman pincher, or God forbid a Rotty, Starsky and Hutch, Colombo, Hunter, Cagney and Lacey, the crew from Las Vegas, CSI, and Sipowitz. My point is, I am fairly smart, and honest to a fault, even when it hurts people that I love's feelings. How do stupid people get away with things like this. Most of our checks have been written at Walmart, and they dont ID them. I will never buy anything there again, EVER. Especially after the hell that they put Angie through when she went on a Sunday to buy formula for Brayden. I don't care that IGA is 15 cents an item higher, they will be recieving all of my business, because they asked the woman in front of me in line for her drivers liscense, for a 22 dollar check. DAMN RIGHT. Screw the evil empire!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more, I don't care about simplicity, its about principlals.

Remember when I said that the team we were supposed to play tonight was terrible, they were! So bad, in fact, that the dissolved the team, and forfieted the rest of their games. Ever heard of parent coached teams standing for that? So, we had no game tonight. Also, Matthew did not get into anything TODAY. Brayden went to the doc yesterday, and the doc gave him some meds to clear his sinuses. She said that, of course he has reflux, something that we haven't dealt with before, but had under controll, but that all the snot that he was sucking down, trying to breathe, was having an adverse affect on the reflux. So, his little belly was torn up, and he was never able to be comfortable, even when he was asleep. Last night he slept from about 10 till about 4. I never thought that Angie would be happy with 4, but, as I said in an earlier post, he likes to sleep on he and squirm. Last night he slept between us, not on her, and slept till 4. WOW! Who knew medicine worked. They are asleep right now, and have been since about 11. Me, yeah I'm still up, but that is normal, but I have to think about what to write on here, since I am now addicted to this. I guess that is all for now. We are away for the weekend to see MOMS, so I will probably post again on Sunday night. See ya then, Jim


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