Thursday, May 05, 2005

Como estas?

Well, guess what? Matthew thinks he is learning spanish. Either in class in first grade, or from some of his latin brothers. This was a night or two ago, Angie and I can't put a date on it, we only remember laughing, and embarassing our son. So about 6:30 Matthew says "Hey dad, como estas?" To which I replied. "I'm fine Matt, how are you?" "No dad, como estas?" "Matthew, I told you I was fine, what do you want?" "Dad, do you not know Spanish, I asked if I could take your order, you know, just like the waiters when we go to the mexican restuarnats?" Oh hell! He was so serious. This was hillarious when he said it, doesn't seem so to me now, but the child thought I was stupid. We don't know where his newfound skill came from, but, he really thought he was right in asking it. I can't wait for the next phrase, especially if he is learning it from his buddy, Daniel. Daniel is a boy that Matthew trades UH-GI-OH cards with every day after school. God, I hope they haven't found a willing victim!! What if he goes on one of his talking sprees in class and decides to drop some of his new found knowledge on everyone. We could be in the Principal's office for weeks. I guess is should set aside a few of my prescious vacation days just for Matthew, and the principal. It's not like we didn't see something like this coming, but he never stops amazing us in his delivery. No one could possibly ever predict this kid.

We have not heard anything new on the robbery, or anything associated with it. I will make a call to the investigator tommorrow and let everyone know what I learn. Natalie has a ballgame tommorrow in Slidell, but it may well be rained out. I will update that tommorrow night late or day after tommorrow early. I have heard that their team is horrible, so it should be a fun game!! Who knows! Well that's all for today, see ya tommorrow. Jim


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