Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Big word, huh! Did I tell you that I won my 4th grade spelling bee?

Natalie went to the psychotherapist today to learn some more relaxation techniques. More with the nickel words, I know, but you learn them when you have to go through this with your baby girl. I told Natalie that she her mon would be picking her up early from school today to go to the doctor. She didn't look happy, so I told her that she was going to see her psychotherapist, and she was instantly happy. She asked me, "Do you mean Nanny?" I said "yes." She was pumped. I didn't know why, because I didn't go with her last time, nor did I go today, but, since she saw her last, she has only had her arm sieze up once. She has been listening to a cd with some relaxation techniques on it. Seems to be working, and as good as it makes me feel, she really seems to see the benefits of it. Now remember, this is supposed to be a malady that is not stress related, but this works, so maybe this one is differnet. I hope so. The doc at Cooks tried this at her last visit, because she only has trouble on school days. We go back next Thursday at 9 AM. I will be taking her to let Angie stay at home and do her job, which has been greatly affected with doctor appointments, and Brayden. He, and Angie, hasn't slept worth a damn in the last 3 days.
You can see it on Angie's face, but she won't admit it, but it's there. He wants to sleep on top of her, and he wakes up a lot, but not loudly, so I never hear it, and she won't wake me up, or can't. But right now they are both sleeping soundly, I have the monitor on to go get him if he does, but nothing. Hopefully he will level back out to the baby that we had a week ago, all smiles and coos. He may very well be the cutest baby we have produced, but for anyone who has seen THE INCREDIBLES, he is friggin JACK-JACK! The child just explodes for no reason, his hair catches fire and he walks on the damn ceiling! Goo Goo Gaa Gaa, SCREAM!!!!! We can't figure him out, but we, or should I say, Angie will. She is amazing, as always. Matthew did nothing of note today, but there is still tommorrow, so tune in then to see what craziness he creates. Later, or earlier, Jim.


At 10:03 AM, May 04, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Oh, I am so glad to hear that the relaxation stuff is working for Natalie!! I will pray that it continues to work and she will go longer and longer with at the sieze's.

Okay, now I am going to have to watch the Incredibles to see what you are talking about. Your description gave me a good chuckle though.

I sure hope that he will start sleeping better again so he and Angie can get some rest. Yes, Angie is amazing ... she has always had more patients with children then I think I do. {{hugs}} to all!


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