Monday, May 09, 2005

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Especially to the love of my life Angelina May! I love you dearly, Sweetheart!
Happy Mother's Day also to my mother, Kay Berryman, and my mother-in-law, Barbara Brzezinski. We were in Sweetwater and Longworth today to see them both. Then raced the weather home, and barely won. No, the house hadn't been robbed while we were gone, but since no one has been arrested, it was a pleasant surprise, because whoever did it last time was obviously watching us. But the alarm is on constantly now, so come get some. I want badly for those people, or that person to be that stupid! Maybe, next time, Angie will be home to make minced meat out of them, while I lay on the floor and scream, "Take anything you want, just don't hurt me!!" HA!! Bring them on!! Well, that's it for now. Tune in later for another installment of the Berryman cronicles. Jim


At 10:55 AM, May 09, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Thank you for sharing your life with Bill and I.


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