Monday, May 09, 2005

Monday's Softball Game

Well, the girls played very well tonight, and I couldn't be happier. We have waited all year for a game that we hit well, and this was it. I believe all of the girls on the team, but one, had at least one hit. Natalie had 3, and only saw 3 pitches. It was a very well played game by both teams that timed out in another tie, 18-18. So, we are 4-1-4 now. Man, we had put outs, plays at the plate, stolen bases, wild pitches, and a few throws that sailed, and I do mean sailed, on us. But, all in all, it was one of those games that keeps you on your toes the entire time, and is a blast to watch or be a part of. I am very glad that there is a 6 run per inning rule, because both teams were hitting very well, and nobody deserved to lose. Natalie had another 2 putouts at first base also. She is a real team leader, and I couldn't be prouder, whether it is fielding, throwing, hitting, or getting in trouble in the dugout, she is a leader.

Now, my out. I may not be able to race my 4-wheeler in Abilene on the 21st, because there is a softball tounrament in Denton, and I don't know if we will be in it or not. I know, at least a few of you, are breathing easier after hearing that, but never fear, I will make it no later that the June race. No, I don't have a death wish, I just want to be competitive. Maybe pay Bill back for some of the heart palpatations that he has given the rest of us over the years, watching him race. There have been a few, and yes, only a few times, but they were there all the same.

Matthew hasn't done anything of particular note today, honestly the boy is being a dissapointment. He is a riot, and when he behaves this well, we don't know what to think or do. He split his time tonight between the game and the playground, about 100 yards away, and he always returned without being called, or having someone sent after him. Must be sick, who knows. Don't worry though, he will have us all rolling again soon, I am SURE.

Brayden is continuing to develope a killer personality. He is laughing out loud quite a bit since we returned home last night. If he is not sick or hurting, he is always happy. And he is not sick much anymore, but his reflux hurts him from time to time. It's easy to tell when it happens, because he goes from laughing to screaming in an instant. Its like having extreme heart burn, that comes up your throat, and that sucks, especially for a baby, but you hear it more and more these days. Hopefull we are almost past it, I may be wrong, but I think it is generally gone in 4-5 months. Let's hope so, no child deserves that. Especially mine, he has a whole lifetime to put up with me, and that's bad enough, not to mention his sister and brother. But, Angie will always be there to make it better, whether its reflux, or us that is bothering him.

All for now, see ya tommorrow,


At 8:42 AM, May 10, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am so glad you set a blog up also! I so enjoy reading how the family is doing! I read every entry even if I don’t comment on it. Give the family hugs and kisses from us!

At 8:42 AM, May 10, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am so glad you set a blog up also! I so enjoy reading how the family is doing! I read every entry even if I don’t comment on it. Give the family hugs and kisses from us!


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