Saturday, May 14, 2005

He's Back

I guess the old saying, may even be from the Bible, is true, unfortunatly. If you wish for it, it will come. Matthew is in deep stuff again, at school and, now, at home. 1st grade behavior scale goes like this: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, RED. Blue is almost impossible, only a few chances a week to act that good, but Matthew has had his share of Blue days. Mostly he is on green, which is fine. Yesterday, he was on Orange, but he told us Green, and he has been so consistant, that we did not look in his folder. Today he was RED. The hellion returns!! Did I ask for this, yeah, I did! He pushed someone in the chest, Stabbed someone with his pencil, and said something to another that doesn't bear repeating. WOW!!! I don't think I have had that bad of a day in several YEARS! Angie and I arguing, Maybe, but not with someone else. So, today he was on the chain gang at home, he picked up rocks, and we have plenty, out of the yard. You can't count the rocks that we have, I don't know if NASA has this many stars to deal with. But, he was out there picking them up until almost 7 p.m. This was my punishment for him, Angie's, also in play, is no TV or video games until Monday. Are we too harsh, hard to tell without you knowing what he said to the other boy at school, I think we are right on. I didn't want to punish him when I was griping about him being boring, I just wanted some of his personality back. Anyone that knows him knows that the Straight and Narrow is not his way, but today was out of character totaly.

On to other news. Tommorrow Angie is going on an excursion with the wife of the guy that works with me. Her name is Katie, his George. They will be gone for about 4-5 hours. Angie needs the break, trust me. Hopefully everything go as planned. I can't tell you what she is doing, because that is her call. No, no tattoos or piercings or anything like that. But a healthy thing. I hope she enjoys her alone, or adult, time with Katie.

Tommorrow night, we are having our second poker night. The first one was a charity event, with me winning the money. It was the weekend after we were robbed. Tommorrow should be a lot more fun, we will have more people. We are playing Texas Holdem with the winner taking half the pot, second 30%, and 3rd taking 20%. I'm sure there will be side games and other stuff going on. Should be a blast.

Nat, Bray, and Ang are fine. Angie and Natalie are getting over some sinus and drainage problems. Lots of coughing and sniffling for those two. Brayden is well and Angie fed him his first rice cereal tonight. He didn't take to it at first, but by the time she was out of food, he was really into it. Figures.

See you all soon,



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