Thursday, May 12, 2005

Did you know?

Did you know that you can relax your muscles, releive high blood pressure, increase circulation, and raise the temp in those cold hands and feet, simply by breathing in for a 2 count then out for a 3 count, for about 5 minutes. No kidding, I watched Natalie raise the temp in her hands from 81 degrees to 93 point something in about 5 minutes this morning. Dr. Nanny Christy is teaching her relaxation techniques, and this was the one they did today. I never knew, it was amazing. She said that she uses these techinques on hypertension patients all the time, and it works. She said Natalie is exceptional, because of her ability to focus on what she is doing, and make these techinques work so well. I was very impressed with the doc, and I truly hope that this will help Natalie to be able to avoid many more of her episodes in the future. So far it has seemed to be benificial. Yesterday, she had a minor glitch, but it was not very intense and didn't last very long. She came home from school, and listened to her relaxation cd, and it went away quickly. This is great, anything that works is so much better than where we were.

Not a very eventful day otherwise, take care, see ya tommorrow.

P.S. those of you who have a blood pressure machine, and you know who you are, try this out and see if it does indeed work on blood pressure. I only saw temp and muscle tension today with Natalie.

Thanks J


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