Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Maybe I am scared, and other stuff.

Well, today we played softball in Paradise, TX. We won 8-4, but it should have been by more. Our little pitcher struck out six girls in two innings. The first inning, they didn't know what hit them. Jaclyn was incredible. I have never seen her, or my other 2 pitchers, pitch this good. She could have struck out a 12 and under team, so a 10 and under team didn't stand a chance. I may not have mentioned this before, but we are a 10 and under team, with a 7 year old on it. I was the one in the coaches meeting that said, "No, call her parents, and tell them to play her on an 8 and under team!" So, of course, I was the coach that got her. Her name is Kendall, and she is very good, but still a 7 year old. She is not very attentive, but she can hit the ball well, if not terribly far, but she can hit. I have a few 10 year olds that cannot hit to save their lives.

The pitcher for Paradise sucked. I told the ump, after the 1st inning, "You can't call it a strike if it goes over the girls head, this isn't slow pitch." Maybe I didn't make a new friend, but he didn't screw us on his calls after that either. He still called a fair game, and I respect him for that. Natalie was feeling the presure tonight. She struck out in the first inning, I had her leading off to get her the most at bats possible, because Grandma and Grandpa Racecar were here to see her play. We have an hour and 15 minute time limit, and we only played 2 innings, so they didn't get to see her outstanding play at first base either, because Jaclyn got all of our outs on strikeouts. Oh well, I hope it was as fun for them as it was for me, because I have basically adopted all of the girls as my own, and it is incredible to see any one of them excel.

We have no tournament this weekend, it has been cancelled, due to the fact that it will cost $100 per team, and all of the other teams backed out. But, when I went to pay, I talked to the commissioner, Gina, and said, "I don't understand why Billy's team is the Decatur champion, they are 7-2, and we are 5-1-4. We have a better winning percentage, and we beat both of the other Decatur teams straight up. So she told me that we are, in fact the Decatur champs, and the league will pay our entry fee into the Denton tournament. The tournament is the weekend after labor day, and everyone is invited to attend. Should be a blast.

O.K. we have no tournament this weekend, so now I have no excuse not to go race my 4-wheeler in Abilene. Can anybody think of one? I now am not mentally ready, maybe I am too old, cold feet, scared, the price of gas, anything, everything. I don't know if I am ready or not. I was going to ride a bunch this week and last week, but I thought we had a tournament, and I didn't. Nor did I fix my four wheeler until Friday night. No rush, right? Crap, Yuck and Poo. What do I do. I actually want to go race, but I had given up on the opportunity, and now don't feel prepared. I may and I may not, hell, I just don't know. Any thoughts on this, or anything else in this post, or any previous posts? Let me know. Somebody talk to me. Till then, See ya next time,



At 1:25 PM, May 18, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

We enjoyed the game. And Nat can't do anything wrong anyway. Just wish we could have been there for more of the games.

Cold feet maybe. And even if you race for ten years it still happens. No one likes to F up.



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