Friday, May 20, 2005

Late night softball

Well, it was a late one tonight. Our 7:30 game didn't start until 8:15, and was over at 9:50, in Bridgeport. But, all is well, we won 8-4, and it really wasn't even that close. So our record is 6-1-4, which has caused a few problems this week. Would you believe, that I got in an argument. Remember a post or two back when I was told that we were the Decatur champions, and would have our entry fee paid to the Denton tournament. Well, they tried to crawfish on that. The only thing that saved the poor woman, commissioner, that called me is that I was in a public place when she called. She got told as much, too. You NEVER take something from MY girls, dammit! The other team is 8-2, you do the math. We have a .866 winning percentage and they have an .800 winning percentage, and we beat them heads up. Think I was mad the other night? I told the commissioner to "put your husband on the phone." He actually told me that it was like hockey, where you get 2 points for wins, 1 point for ties, and 0 for losses. Now come on, he got the wrong guy on this one. #1 this isn't hockey, or I have been doing a terrible job of coaching. #2 and 8-2 record would be 16 points, our 6 wins, one loss, and 4 ties is 16 points, and we beat them head to head. So, I threw his logic back in his face, and he said he had to get back to me. He called back the next day and said they were going to go by wins only, so I played my trump card. "Shea, is it because Billy grew up with you and I didn't?" Oh yeah, I went there. Long story long, we are both being sent to the tournament and they are paying for each team. HA!! Oh yeah, when we meet this team in the tournament, we are going to beat the crap out of them, for the commissioner. Just a little in your face action from my girls.

Again the tournament is June 3-4-5. Not sure on when we will play, we find out at the draw on May 31st. I will let everyone know. I encourage anyone interested in coming to watch your NAT-NAT play to come on. Saturday will be the day to be there in my opinion, probably will be hot and we will probably have 3-4 games. So come sweat and suffer with us, everyone is invited. And that means everyone. This will be your only chance to see Nat play till next year, because all of our games have been on week nights until now.

That's it for now, I think. See ya tommorrow,



At 9:46 AM, May 20, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Got the commish did you? Glad things turned out for the team.

Wish we could make the tournament.????

At 12:29 PM, May 20, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

way to stand up for your team :) Glad that they saw the light and will pay for your girls to play in the tournament! I wish we could make it to the tournament also, but we have a wedding to go to that weekend for my cousin. we will be thinking about you though!

Have a super weekend.

At 9:47 AM, May 23, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Way to go, Dad! Good luck at the tournament. I would like to come watch Nat do her thing. Maybe we can!


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