Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Talking to yourself

You ever feel like you are talking to yourself? I do. It is my understanding that at least a few people read this damn thing, but nobody ever leaves any comments, except for Kim, who I read her blog everyday, and, no, I don't leave much there either, but I do leave some at least once or twice a week. Enough to know that someone is reading and appreciating her blog. Mine, nothing for a week. Do I have to knock myself out to get a response? I shouldn't, at least I don't think I should. How hard is it to sign up for a FREE service, that I have never recieved any spam from, to leave a comment every once in a while. Is nobody interested in what goes on in Natalie, Matthew, and Brayden's lives? How about Angie, nobody? O.k., the robbery, where we had our identity stolen? I don't care if anyone is interested in what I do or what happens to me, but the kids and Angie are VERY important to me, and to hardly anyone else, it seems. I don't make an effort to come in here every night and try to update, or entertain, everyone I know, and love, and recieve nothing. I don't do this for me, but a little feedback would be nice. How would you feel if you were talking and you thought nobody was listening? So, lets go people! If not, then this will not go on much longer. That's all I have for tonight, honestly, why write it if no one is reading it. My theraputic outlet is becoming a source of frustration. Let me know what you think. Am I being too hard on everyone?


At 7:24 AM, May 18, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...


Oh, I SOO Know the feeling! I am sorry that your not getting more comments on your blog. I have two scrapbooking friends that respond on my and you (which I appreciate dearly!) But other then that Nadda. :( It does seem like your talking to yourself doesn't' it? But believe me sweetie. I have LOVED your blog! I read it daily and then tell Gary everything that is going on. I feel like we have come closer to you guys again threw this even though the miles are between us. I love the way you express yourself threw here. It is just so you, I feel as if I were sitting next to you talking to you.

Come on folks, reply here from time to time! It doesn't take but a minute, and you don't have to write a letter, just let Jim know your around and that you enjoy reading what is going on with his family!

I for would do NOT want you to stop blogging. I love it!
Love ya sweetie,

At 7:24 AM, May 18, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Okay so that last sentence should read. "I for ONE do not want you to stop blogging. I love it!"

At 10:10 AM, May 18, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

I read it everyday! And I think my husband is a very talented storyteller :)

At 1:35 PM, May 18, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Bill reads you every day and then tells me. but don't know if he know how to comment. We enjoy all you write about. Keep up the never ending story of your lives.

Love always Barbara

At 8:11 PM, May 18, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Well now you know what it takes to get a comment, how did it go with nat at the doc shop? you can tell matt that his grandpa fell for his story hook line an sinker

At 8:12 PM, May 18, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

What is the little symble at the end of my comment?

At 9:14 PM, May 18, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

It is a trash can in case you go back and read it and want to delete what you wrote.

Angie :)


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