Friday, May 27, 2005

Last day of school

Well, today was the last day of school for the kiddos. I had to pick Natalie up early, because we had an appointment with the Psychotherapist. All went well, she put me to sleep, but Natalie was able to stay awake and absorb the lesson. She has only had one relapse since her sessions started with Dr. Nanny Christie, over a month ago. The appointment was at 11:00 am, so afterward, I asked Nat where she wanted to eat lunch, and she chose Macaroni Grill in north Fort Worth. It was a fabulous lunch. I very much enjoy my alone time with my daughter. Then we went to the grand opening of Cabela's new store out by Alliance airport. The store is huge, all hunting and fishing and camping stuff. I think she enjoyed it more than I did, but I will go back tommorrow to be sure.

Angie took Brayden to get his 4 month shots today, and all that goes along with that. We found out why, possibly he has not been sleeping very well lately. Dr August told Angie that his reflux may be traveling up his throat to his sinuses at night while he lays on his stomach. Don't start on us about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), that's for babies that can't lift their heads up and suffocate. Brayden is very strong, and we have no worries there. Can you imangine your heart burn up in your nose, or sinuses? I can't. But, supposedly that is the problem he is having, so she increased his dose of Zantac. Maybe that will help, we'll see.

At 6:00 pm we had a softball practice, and no one showed up but me and Nat and the assistant coach and her daughter. That sucks. Everyone had 2 days notice at least, and no one showed. So, in the tournament, Natalie and Brianna will NOT ever sit on the bench. My assistant coach's name is Natalie also, so you can imagine the confusion that has caused. They both have had to get used to being called by their last name. Natalie Carter is a black belt in Karate, ironic huh? I thought maybe she had changed the practice time, but she had not, just no one showed. I hope they are there for the tournament. Natalie and Brianna both batted a bunch while the other one chased balls to return to me. They are both fantastic hitters, but have not had much to hit all year long, but I suspect that will change soon. I am sure the Denton teams will have pitchers that have pitched for at least 2 years. That will work to our advantage, because our girls can hit very well. Who knows, we could win the tournament if everything goes right.

That's it for now, tommorrow I will tell you what our investigator called us with today, about the robbery. Hopefully as exciting for you as it was for us. What a tease.



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