Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Alright, alright, alright. Carrie Underwood my ass!!! Bo should have won. Don't start with me Kim. Now is not the time. Where was I? Oh Yeah.

Today was Matthew's award ceremony, and it did not dissapoint. Matthew was looking sharp in his khaki shorts and Aquamarine blue shirt. Nice haircut too. He recieved an award for perfect attendance, a teachers recognition award for A-B honor roll, and a Mad Scientist award. How fitting. I believe they called it an Excellence in Science award, but we all know the truth. His attributes didn't fall into any of their categories, and they had to give him something, or make a new award. "And this years winner of the Matthew Berryman excellence in mayhem award goes to ...................." You get my drift? Really, though, he is an outstanding kid and we did have the perfect teacher for him, this year, I just hope his reputation preceeds him next year and they take it easy. No sense in being uptight about it, he is just a little rowdy. Brilliant, but a little nutty. Aren't they all? Hell, sometimes you feel like a nut, right? That's my boy, and I couldn't be prouder, I'm just glad he didn't get kicked out for some of the crap he has pulled this year. Must be exciting to be the most dangerous 7 year old in town, maybe the county. Think of all the pressure. I gotta get him in a sport other that riding a 4 wheeler. Maybe he is a thrill seeking adrenaline junkie like his grandpa.

Speaking of grandpa, if you bend the frame on the racecar, and you finish the feature second, why the hell would you straighten it out? Underpowered little ford MY ASS! Oh don't let me get started on that roll again, I could be here all night.

Later Jim

P.S. Did I mention that I cut Matthew's hair, it's the only reason it was mentioned in the story. Don't worry, the mohawk is back in!!!


At 9:30 AM, May 26, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

of course our grandson is brilliant. And also has a very active imagination. Good job Nat and Mat.

At 10:25 AM, May 26, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Way to go, Natalie and Matthew! Enjoy your summer break! Keep up the good work next year! I'm sure the mohawk looks really cool! Love Ya!

At 10:55 AM, May 26, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

GOOO Carrie!! She rocks. Admit it Jim! Bo is good as well, but Carrie is great!!!!!! I guess the 10 times I voted for her Tuesday night helped! *giggle*

Congratulations Matt!


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