Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Natalie and Chloe

This morning was Natalie's end of school awards ceremony. She recieved the Bluebonnet readers award. There are books nominated every year by students and teachers, I think, that are on some council, and those are the Bluebonnet books. Angie and I did not know about this. But, Natalie was one of only 4 children in 4th grade to read all 20. It didn't really surprise me, because she reads all the time, but she never mentioned anything about any Bluebonnet books. She also recieved an award because her art memory team placed 2nd at the U.I.L. meet in Lake Worth. In her class awards, she recieved an award for her writing. Her teacher, Mrs. Dickerson, said that Natalie's stories actually made her see the things that she was writing about. Way to go Natalie.

This evening, we went to Chloe's preschool graduation. Chloe, for those who don't know, is Bobby and Chanda's second oldest daughter. Their Matthew, if you will. The similaities don't end at the brown hair and brown eyes. This was a wonderful event that was at her shcool, the Decatur First Baptist Church. She waved to everyone, and was a delight to watch recieving her first, of what I am sure, will be many awards in her lifetime.

Afterward we all went to Yesterday's Restuarant. We had, or at least the adults had, a big time. We have not been out to eat with Bobby's family in way too long. The stories they had about their time in Midland, surrounding Chanda's sister's wedding were tooooooo funny. They have some interesting friends to say the least, and Chanda's dad is always good for a laugh, either with him or about him. Danny is funny all the time.

Well that was about it for today, but, Matthew's awards are tommorrow at 8:30 am, so I will have plenty to talk about then, I am sure. Jeez, what award could he get. Definitely the most active child in class. Who knows! Tune in tommorrow for the story.



At 7:37 AM, May 25, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

I am so happly to know that Nat can do so good in school, with the year that she has had. It makes me proud that she is a reader, what with all of the other things to take up a childs mind.
Now ! awards for Mr Matt humm.. Kicking, bitting, pushing,wizzing,boy those are so tough catogorys, but I have faith in my grandson if he doesn't get a award, ther story as to why not will top anything that the teacher could come up with.

At 8:25 AM, May 25, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Congratulations Nat!! She received some great awards. Can't wait to hear what Mat comes up with :)

At 8:59 AM, May 25, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Way to go Natalie! Matthew will be awarded the top award in being a boy! I can just see Chloe. Reminds me of when Carrie was in the Christmas program when she was small.

At 9:26 AM, May 26, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

So nice when family gets together


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