Saturday, May 28, 2005

Robbery News

Our hillbilly investigator called us yesterday. There was a check written in Longview, we thought. But, it was written to someone in Longview. We have let this slip, but the store it was written to filed charges against Angie. These charges obviously are bogus, and could never stick. The date on the check was the day before we were robbed, Yes, I know you can write any date you want on a check, but, it stood out to us. So, Angie called the store, and got the owner's son. Arabs own the store, the son didn't know anything, and was very rude and unhelpful. He gave Angie his father's cell number, and she called him. He was extremely rude also, only concerned with his piddly little $165. They got in a verbal argument, lucky for him. If she was closer, she would have kicked his foriegn ass.

We brought this to our investigator's attention, and now we may have a suspect. The person that cashed the check, has family here. We don't know much more than that, but it is a start. I asked the investigator what the family's address was, but he would not tell me, of course. But, he said that hopefully we would have someone in custody inside of a week. I can't help but to doubt this, because nothing has gone right yet. He did straighten out the store owner and the bank though. He even told the store owner that he would attempt to have him deported after he became belligerant with him. I don't think this could happen, but it was good to know someone was frustrated besides us. We even stand a chance to get at least some of our stuff back, because when you pawn something, you must show your I.D. So, if we get the right people, and they don't still have our stuff at their home, it is traceable that way. Maybe, and I think they do, the pawn shops take serial numbers off of what they accept. I know that Angie's pearls have no serial number, but it is a start. Especially since the insurance company will only cover $500 in jewelry, and Angie's pearl necklace was worth much more than that by itself. They never brought this up when we signed the policy, and they should have, because they want you to buy a separate jewelry policy. Would have been beneficial to both them and us.

In other news, after Angie took Brayden in for his 4 month doctor's visit yesterday, Brayden is off the charts in height for his age, but weighs less than Matthew did at this age, so maybe another tall, skinny kid for us. Also, he rolled over for the first time tonight. I did not see him, but Angie did. I went to watch, but he didn't do it again. Then he got tired and Angie put him to sleep.

Natalie and Matthew enjoyed their first day of summer vacation. They played outside a bunch and it was very nice weather, no rain for us, yet. I got home about 4:00 and the three of us played catch. Natalie is very good, and Matthew is getting it down quickly. They played outside till about 8:30, together. Then in for showers and a little T.V. time, then bed.

I guess that is all for now, but I will keep you informed,



At 9:10 AM, May 28, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

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At 9:10 AM, May 28, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

When I first met Brayden's dad he was as skinny as a toothpick, so we know what my grandson has to look forward to!

At 9:11 AM, May 28, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

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At 1:48 PM, May 31, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I sure hope that they catch these creeps!! I keep hoping I will log on one day and you will be teling us they suckers are behind bars!! I'm not giving up on that thought though!


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