Sunday, May 29, 2005


If you DO NOT want to know ANYTHING about this movie, haven't watched it yet, or what ever, scroll down until you see the word STOP! I will only tell a little, so feel safe to read, but you can skip, if you want.

We took the children to see Madagascar today. It is another in a long line of animated films that, in my opinion, is better than any movie that has people in it. The basis of the movie is that the psychopathic penguins want to escape the New York Zoo, and go to Antartica. At the beginning of the movie they are tunneling there, and they come up in the Zebra's pen. When they realize where they are, they leave, but the head penguin tells the zebra, "You didn't see anything." in an almost hypnotic voice, very funny. Too much to tell about the whole movie, which is rated PG, so I will just stick with the penguins. They do finally get out and on a cargo ship. They take the ship over, and subdue the captain and end up in Antartica. When they get there, they are standing around, visibly cold, shaking their feet, and the only thing that is said is, "Well, this sucks!" It may not be very funny here, but it was hillarious in the theater. This is not the crux of the movie, but definitely the funniest part. Matthew and Natalie loved the movie, and Brayden slept through it. Angie and I thought it was very funny.


We also went back to Cabela's today to look at the stuffed animals and to look around. It was very frustrating today. The store was packed and it seemed that no one cared that Angie was toting around a baby, or to acknowledge the stroller when Brayden was in it. It was like friggin bumper cars in there. Brayden almost got elbowed in the face and the person didn't even say excuse me. We were cut off at every turn, and at one point, we were waiting on the elevator to return to the ground floor and leave, and healthy, lazy people cut in front of us, very rudely. There are stairs not 30 feet away, the elevators are for people in wheelchairs and people with children in strollers, I thought! I, nor anyone in my family, would ever use the elevator intended for use by the handicapped or families with small children, if it were not for Brayden. This just adds to my feeling that people SUCK! I have always felt this way, but today sealed it. No one seems to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them. Old, young, male, female, it doesn't seem to matter. At one point, Angie, Natalie, and Matthew went to look at the African exhibit, and I had Brayden, in my arms and was pushing the stroller to boot, and I was pushed at least twice. At one point before Angie returned, I told a guy, "Don't mind me, you jackass, I guess you didn't see the baby". I knew I could get away with it if she was not there, otherwise, I would have been in trouble, timeout even. So, people suck, what's new? I just don't have the patience for it any more, I guess. I am probably just like you guys, it annoys me to no end when I see things happen to my family. I started to take the baby, slap Angie in the face a few times to rile her up, and say "Go get 'em" Then just sit back and watch. Wouldn't that be some kind of fun? Just imagine, "Hey Ang, he said your baby is ugly." Whap, Bam, Boom, Smack, Crash, it would be like an old episode of BATMAN! God how I wish!! But, you can't do things like that anymore. I would probably go to jail just for setting Angie in motion. She really is Jett Lee, ya know, at least in my eyes. I love all my little family, and sometimes, maybe, I overreact. Thanks for letting me rant and rave.

Tommorrow, we are meeting Grandma and Grandpa Racecar at Dynosaur Valley State Park, and dropping off Matthew and Natalie. They are going to spend a couple, of what look like wet, days, traipsing around having fun. Tuesday I will go get Natalie, because we have softball practice this week and a tournament this weekend. Maybe Matt can stay and go home with them and get a much needed break from is parents. Either way will be fine, but they both have earned some prescious time away if they can get it, but Nat has a job to finish. Softball is a commitment that we both made, and both will honor. The tournament is next weekend, and I want to at least make a showing to prove to the commish that she made the right call in putting us in the tournament as the Decatur champs. I just wish the other girls had the same heart that Natalie, Brianna and Jaclyn have. Only two of the three showed up for practice, but Jac's mom called and had her brother in the Emergency room, or they would have been there, no doubt.

Well that is probably enough for today. Thanks if you read all the way to the end, sometimes I ramble on and on.

See ya tommorrow,



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