Thursday, June 02, 2005

I got my babies back!!!!!!!

Well, I went to Glen Rose this morning to pick up my children. I was going to get there about 9 a.m., but was unavoidably detained. What is it about complete freakin' morons? They are usually nice enough, but give them a little power and each and every one of them turns into Napoleon! I can't stand them, and today's moron was below average even for their species. I know the guy, but now he is running a pipeline construction company, or part of it at least, and he threw a monkey wrench in my speedy plans this morning, and I lost it. I had a $3500 delivery going to his location, ordered by his boss, and he would not, absolutely would not let me deliver it today. I have to go back tommorrow, because I didn't check with him first. What a load of shit. I don't think going completely off helped my situation any, but I can't stand being treated like that.

Back to the fun stuff, because of MORON, I was about an hour late to get the kids, and was so happy to see them, that I didn't ask Grandma and Grandpa if they wanted to keep Matt. Nope, he was mine today. I needed them, and yes they did calm me down. We did a little work in the Cleburne area, then went to Lake Worth for chinese buffet. Afterwards, we messed around the shop for a while, then called it a day about 2:30 and went home. It is very good to have them home. They did a lot of bike riding, swimming, and playing outside while they were gone. They hung out with their cousins Jordan, Lorrin, Krista, and Laura. They had a couple of snake sightings, all the dynosaur tracks that they could want. Matthew managed to scrape both knees by wrecking his bicycle, before Angie and I left on Sunday, but by the time I got back, he had scraped the end of his left big toe off in a bike wreck. How the hell do you do that? I have got to know.

Angie took Brayden to the doctor this afternoon, and he is suffering from the three C's. Constipation, Congestion, and Cutting teeth. What a bummer, but he is asleep right now, and hopefully he will stay that way. That is why I am typing this early tonight, because I want to be ready to help Angie if he wakes up tonight. For his sake and Angie's I hope he doesn't, because I am completely useless at night. I never seem to be able to wake myself up. This sucks for Angie, but I have no explanation, I don't do it on purpose. Maybe I am just worn completely out from all the years of hard work and abuse I take at home. HA!! O.K. I'm a wimp, a complainer, and I sleep very soundly. That may be closer to the truth, but nothing has ever woke me up in the night, I just don't hear anything. I will try though, any babysitting offers? NO, I didn't think so!

Natalie and the team had practice today, and everyone showed up. They, the parents, got a stern lecture about showing up on time, especially to practice and the tournament. If we are short players at the instant the game is to start, we forfiet. They all know this, and what time the game starts. they all have my cell phone number, and the assistant coach's number. So, we should have no one show up late or get lost. Yeah Right!!!! That'll be the day, I honestly don't know how some of these parents keep a damn job. O.K. that's enough, I need a shower and to go to bed.

But before I go. You all know that my wife is a Yankee, right, from Connecticut and all. Well she has been trying all her life to fit in with the way Texans speak. I caught her leaving a comment on Kim Halfmann's blog using the word "dadgum". You cannot know how funny I find this, when she uses Native Texan words or phrases, they never come out right, and they still sound a little suspect, foriegn even. "Dadgum" may possibly be the most redneck word of all time, and it can't sound right coming from my little Yankee wife. So with all my heart, Angie, I urge you to please just stick to "DAMN", you little Yankee Dork! I love you, baby!

That's all folks



At 10:02 AM, June 03, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Glad the kids are back. I know you miss them a bunch. Hope Brayden is better. Poor little guy, he just has all kinds of problems! Good Luck in the tournament. I wish I could come, but this is dance recital weekend. I guess we'd better make an appearance. Lay off the Yankee, dadgum it! Love Ya...Mom

At 11:52 AM, June 03, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Sounds like you work with some "dadgum" morons! *laugh* Sorry I couldn't resist that one. Angie can say Dadgum it on my blog anyday. LOL it is so.. Angie. :) I have heard her say it in person so I can hear her saying it threw her words as well!

Glad that the kids are home again. I always enjoy my kids being gone for a while, but it also so great to have them back home where they belong. {{Hugs}} to Brayden!

I am right there with you on the sleeping so tight at night. I sleep threw most everything as well. And don't even THINK about touching me while I am asleep. You must stand across the room and call my name loudly to wake me up! *laugh* and then I still almost piss my pants because it scares me.

We will be thinking about you and the team at the tournament this weekend! I can't wait to hear how you guys do!

Hugs all around.


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