Thursday, June 02, 2005

Just Stuff

Honestly, somedays coming up with a title for this thing is exhausting.

First I will respond to a comment on the last thing I published. Lanae, you are only 2 hours from our house! You can come here with no advanced notice, anytime you want. By the way, the next poker night is June 11th, and we would love to see you guys. We have room for you to stay, not just then, but anytime. Also, I had no idea you were reading my blog, THANKS!!!

OK, today was uneventful, except for Brayden being upset all day, and most of last night. He couldn't sleep, Angie was up with him from about 1 till about 5, then me from 5 till about 7 or so. He couldn't breathe very well, but I think that is mostly under control. But he was very hard on Angie until I got home about 5:30.

We still have no Nat or Matt, so Angie, Brayden, and I went to town to eat tonight. We got food from Braum's, and went to the new park to eat there, but it is all fenced off. So, we ate across the street in the suburban. Brayden had calmed down by then and it was very relaxed and enjoyable. We actually got to talk to each other at meal time, instead of answering the normal plethera of questions from the other two. It was nice, even if it was in the truck.

I will go to pick up Nat and Matt in the morning at Dynosaur Valley State Park. I can't wait, we have softball practice tommorrow night at 6:30, and then the tournament starts Saturday at 8:00 a.m. I will give Grandma and Grandpa Racecar the option of retaining Matthew, because Grandpa is usually out in the metroplex early in the week, and I can get Matt then, but it will be up to them. I don't know if he would enjoy sitting at the softball tournament, then again I don't know that we will play long enough to bother him. Who knows. I am fine with him coming home or going to Longworth. Either will work.

If we are done early, I will go ride my 4-wheeler to try to get ready for the 18th. We were rained out this past weekend, and I got no riding in at all. I don't need much, just knock the rust off, see how everything feels.

I can't think of anything else. The investigator called a few days back, but I will wait to see how his stuff goes before I raise anyone's hopes on our behalf. Things have gone nowhere so far, so no need in being too optimistic. I think the hillbillies (Wise county cops) are too busy dipping snuff and whitlin' stuff out of old tree limbs to do too much, at least it seems so. But, I have been told that I have never been a very positive person. I thought I was quite the cheerleader, but I guess not.

See ya tommorrow,


At 8:30 AM, June 02, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I agree thinking of great material for my blog is exhausting as well (not that I ever have anything "GREAT" actually). But you know what.. I like just reading about the everyday real life goings on the most! Your doing a great job. I sure feel like we are right next door to you guys again. Thanks for taking the time to do this!

Hope Brayden starts feeling better soon!

Love yall

At 10:03 AM, June 02, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

I really enjoy reading about what is going on with you, Angie and the kids. It is so neat, it almost feels like you are talking to me. Hope Brayden is better and that Nat does well in the tournament. I would love to be there, but Linda's dance recital is Saturday. Keep on writing! Love, Mom


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