Saturday, June 04, 2005

Early Edition

There will probably be another, beer induced, post later tonight. Well, my worst fears were realized today at the tournament. We got the crap beat out of us. As a matter of fact, the other Decatur champion team is out. The only team to beat us in the regular season is out of it also. None of the games were pretty. 11-1, 12-0 and the like.

We lost our first game this morning, 11-3, I believe. This was supposed to be just an outstanding team that we were playing, but the were just better than average. In the second game, there was one girl that was taller than Angie, no kidding. There were about 7-8 girls on that team that could have easily been 14-15 years old. Most probably had drivers liscenses. We lost that game 12-1. So our season came to a screeching halt right there on field #4, North Lake Park, Denton, Texas. I could hardly stand to see such good girls get beat so badly. We just didn't pitch very well at all, when we do we can play with anybody. I remember watching the scoreboard in the second game, and thinking, "Damn, it can't be 9-1 with only 12 minutes left" "Wow, 10-1 with 9 minutes left" "Shit, 12-1, with 5 minutes left, at least we get to bat again." Then we got to bat, Leti drew a walk, then stole 2nd and 3rd against what I said, but oh well. Then, Paulina struck out, still hasn't taken a swing ALL YEAR, no kidding. Jessica, drew a walk and was called out at first on the next pitch for leaving the base before the pitcher released the ball. That was a horrible call, we were down 12-1, one out, and 2 minutes left, I told the ump that also. So now, two outs, Little Kendall is up, she is my 7 year old. FLASHBACK: In game #1 she was hit on the hand, and the ball pinched the fat part of her hand between itself and the knob of the bat, it looked horrible. But, the bad news was , it was a strike, because it hit the bat, so she had to continue. She was never the same. These girls threw very hard, and she was scared. So back to game #2, ball 2 strike 2 and all the sudden she is crying in the batters box. When we went to check on her she said she was scared, time expired, the game and our season was over.

This is how hard the girls threw today, Natalie struck out 3 time in 4 at bats. She is awesome, but they made her look bad. Oh, well they played the field well, for that I am thankful. All in all it was a very fun season, with a not so happy ending. Next year we are going to discuss a Wise County tournament instead. I think it will be better for the girls, and the coaches, especially since I am crying right now. I worry about Kendall, she may never be the batter she was before she was hit so hard on the hand. She was too young, I knew it and I should have stopped it. She would have been a star in the 8 and under league, and now, who knows? She may dive out of the batters box from now on. O.K. that's enough, I can't take any more!



At 7:21 AM, June 05, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

{{Hugs}} Jim!! I am sad to hear that the tournament didn't go off so good. I hate the saying, but keep your chin up. You did a fantastic job as coach to those girls this year! For that you should be very proud!! These tournaments are a killer everywhere I think. I am really worried about our all start team in the up coming tournaments as well.

I am sorry that Kendall was hit with the ball while batting. It will have her a bit gun shy, but I think with some encouragement she will be the great batter again without backing out of the box. Just give her a little time to mentally recoup from it and she will do fine!

At 9:40 AM, June 05, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

You have all of the off season to regroup your thoughts on next year,just be postive thinking about your team and yourself.

At 2:15 PM, June 05, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Good job even if the end results wasn't what you all hoped for. They are young and just need encouragement.

Jordie's team played against a team that had a pitcher that thru the ball about 85mph fast fast. When our girls would get up to bat they were totally intimidated. And yes if she hit anyone it would be a big time injury.

Keep up the possitive thoughts.


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