Saturday, June 04, 2005

Tournament time!!!

Well it's here. The tournament starts tommorrow at 8:00 a.m. We went and watched some of the games that took place tonight, and there is some very stiff competition. After watching a couple of the teams that played tonight, I don't know how we only lost one game this year. I am nervous for my girls, but somehow they have pulled it off all season long. They will probably surprise me again, and win a few games, but I don't feel that we have the team to win this tournament this year. Maybe with another year, and a little better coaching we will make a strong showing next year. The Denton tournament is really a better measuring stick than the league we are in. The team that the commissioner wanted to send to the tournament instead of us lost 12-0! We only beat them by one, 9-8. I don't really care if we only play two games and lose both, but I don't want the girls to be discouraged. We will probably have a chance to win a coulple of games. But, I don't think we have the pitching to win. Maybe our bats can keep us in it, but, there are some outstanding teams in this tournament. We will only have two girls moving up next year, I thought we had none. One is a true contributor, and one really isn't, but she is a class girl. I really do hate to be negative about it before it starts, but I don't feel it this time. Some of the teams in the 10 and under class have girls that make Natalie look like a 1st grader. There are a couple that are bigger than my niece Lorrin, and she is 12, I think. Oh well, I guess we will just have to wait and see. Stranger things have happened. My one true fear is that we will not have enough girls show up for our 8:00 a.m. game. That would suck!

On another front, Brayden slept most of last night, and is currently asleep. He would have slept all night, but his diaper leaked. Crap luck for everyone. It did hold on until about 5:00 a.m. though, so it wasn't all that bad. I did try to help, didn't do much of a job of it, but I tried. Anyway, I am off to bed now. Hope everyone has a great weekend, sorry no one got to come see the girls play, would have been fun.

Long column tommorrow for sure. Give everyone something to read. The team, Nat's exploits, Matt's adventures off the field, Brayden updates, praising Angie for all she will do to let me concentrate on the team, and anything else of note. Maybe even some pictures! :)

Stay tuned, and let me know what you think.



At 7:10 AM, June 04, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Thinking about you guys this morning.. Go out there and beat the socks off em!!!! Can't wait to hear how things go.


At 7:53 AM, June 04, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Come on coach you know you are doing a good job you have wanted this for too long . I will be thinking about you an Nat this morning. Good luck


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