Friday, June 10, 2005

Reagan and a bunch of other stuff!

Ok, looks like the cat is out of the bag. If you have seen yesterday's comments, you know that Reagan is pregnant. You may have been wondering who Reagan was, or why I was asking how she was doing. Well, now you know. She is pregnant. She, if anyone missed it, is my best friend's little sister. Bill is no longer with us, so now she is MY little sister. I will always consider it to be that way, did before, do now. She is great, awesome personality, good looks, the total package. Aaron, you are a very lucky man.

Reagan, if you need anything, just let me know.

Billy Skidmore Jr., not that I call you that, but anyway. Here are some upcoming fights, if you want a piece of me.

Antonio Tarver VS Glen Johnson June 18th
Arturo Gotti VS Floyd Mayweather Jr. June 25th I want Mayweather in this one!
Bernard Hopkins VS Jermain Taylor July 16th
Hasim Rahman VS Monte Barret July 23rd

COME GET SOME!! Your boy Mikey T. will lose, and you will owe me 2 lunches of my choice. Get ready to not pay, but you will hear about it alot!!

As you know, I will race in Abilene on the 18th. If I do well, I plan to race in Witchita Falls on the 25th. For sure, I will take Matthew up there to race in his division. I just hope not to have a coronary in my race. Facts have hit me square in the face. I AM out of shape, and I will probably puke in Abilene, but I won't finish last, even if puke is dripping out of my helmet at the finish line. This should be a great way to lose weight, and have a lot of fun, especially when I get Matthew started. Father son stuff is always great. I just hope he pays attention long enough not to end up in the parking lot. HA!

OK, now on to baby food. I had the distinct displeasure of going to WALMART tonight to get formula for Brayden. Angie asked me to get Banana baby food also, because tommorrow he can start on fruits. When Nat and Matt started on fruit, they were all in glass jars. I know it has been 7 years ago, but things have changed. Now they are in little throw away plastic containers, like ketchup from Whataburger. They have a peel away top. WOW, how hard was that to invent. They had the ketchup tubs at Whataburger before Natalie was born. I know, I eat there a lot. So this will truely be a new, and better experience. I guess they did this for all the dumbass parents that can't spoon food out of a glass jar, or maybe to "save" the planet. Whatever, it's still a good idea. I'll let you know how Brayden likes his bananas tommorrow, I'm sure he will love them.

This will be familiar to some, not to others. Tonight, Angie was making a sandwich for supper, because we ran out of most of our salad stuff. Lettuce, carrots and the like, and really, what is a salad without lettuce and carrots. I made a sandwich also. She asked me to not throw away the heels of the bread, so she could make a sandwich tommorrow. Not only did I not throw away the heels of the bread, that's what I made my sandwich with. I love the heels. Remind you of anyone? I would rather eat the heel, just taste better to me, I love the crust. Papa always ate the heel of the bread first. I never have, because, supposedly, the rest of the bread goes stale faster without it. I don't believe that for one thing, and we keep our bread in the freezer, so what are the odds of it going stale? Everytime we go to an Italian food restuarant, I alway eat the part of the bread with the most crust on it, it just has more flavor and texture, whether you dip it in olive oil or not. I have always tried to get cornbread from the outside of the pan too. I just like it. Also, I cannot stand people that cut the crust of the bread off when they make a sandwich, it's UNAMERICAN dammit! At the very least it's un-papa, and that I can't stand.

OK, Aunt Carolyn, I have a question for Uncle Billy. Go get him, this is just for him, anyone can read it, but nobody else's opinion really matters. No one knows as much about sports as he does, at least no one that I know. Uncle Billy, what do you think of the 2-3-2 format of the NBA finals?
I can't stand it. I don't know when they changed it, but I believe it was in the Jordan era. Playoffs, to me, are supposed to be, 2-2-1-1-1. For anyone else that has read this far, now they play 2 games at the team's building with home court advantage, then 3 at the team's building that does not have it, then, if necessary 2 more at the team's building with home court adavantage. I''ll leave it to you to figure out the 2-2-1-1-1 format. It seems to me that it gives the team without home court advantage a true edge if they can win one of the first 2 games. Say Detroit wins game 2 of the finals, they can take advantage of this format, and win the series, without ever playing at San Antonio again, when they should have to travel back and play on the Sprus home court at least one more time. You get my drift, and where my complaint is coming from. What is your opinion?

Thanks everyone for reading this

See ya then



At 1:43 AM, June 10, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

I know this one was mostly opinion and complaning, but it was what was on my mind. Sorry if you didn't like it.


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