Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Did you see that?

Looks like we have had a Carrie sighting. I turned around yesterday and there she was, ripping on me in my comments section. Carrie, and her husband Guy, just had a baby about 7 weeks ago in New Orleans. We saw her about 2 months before, but have not seen the baby except in pictures. Never met Guy, who I jokingly pronounce "GEE", in the old cajun way. I have talked to him on the phone, and look forward to meeting him whenever the chance presents itself. Oh yeah, the baby. Olivia Peyton Restel, cute as a button, with an attitude like her momma. Not how Carrie put it, but that's how I took it. Can't wait to see her either. Maybe Uncle Jim needs to hold a new version of the good old Berryman Family Reunion, here at the 5B ranch. Now, there's an idea. Let me get my fence finished, the pool in, and the shop up, so early next summer maybe, no need to do it on the 4th like we used to, too damn hot. I'd rather it be 80 something than 110 plus.

Next item, strangely enough, in the same day, my cousin Beth started a blog of her own. Beth is Carrie's little sister. She, her husband Scott, and son Mason, live is Shreveport. Beth was my deceptive partner in crime when we were in Shreveport for Carrie's baby shower. We went to order a couple of "pizzalettas" for everyone for lunch. This is just a huge version of a muffaletta sandwich, like the ones at Schlotzsky's. They said it would be about 30-40 minutes, and off we went to the casino boats. Yep, my kind of girl. I had forgotten, or actually never known, how much fun my Cajun cousins were as adults, because we have seen each other rarely as adults. We did hang out a lot as kids, but I was the oldest, and the young ones always bothered me, because I was so "cool". Whatever, kids just don't get along really well unless they want to, and we were forced on each other, but now it is much different. Beth's site is linked on the right side of the page here if anyone wants to keep up with her and her family, should be a fun read.

We signed the paperwork on the pool yesterday. They told us that once construction begins, it will be 2 weeks, and we will be swimming. Then the contractor showed up with a BOBCAT backhoe. Angie told him about the solid rock that we have for a yard, and he said no problem, no price change, he could handle it. So, I will be holding him to that. Hopefully they will be done before we go to the coast on the 2nd of July.

Speaking of the coast, I hear there is a Holiday Inn and a Days Inn just finishing up in Port Aransas. That's it, we need a new, sleepy little town, like this used to be. I hate the bustle that we face everytime we go now. My friend Brian, and his family go in June, and he says that it is never crowded, maybe that would be a good idea. I have never enjoyed crowds, but I do enjoy Port A. The crowds even had me preaching about a trip to the mountains. But if you know Angie, that will never happen, she is a beach girl. We have discussed a trip to Zion and Brice Canyon National Parks, with the big ditch thrown in as well, The Grand Canyon, that is. This would probably we 2 years down the line, possibly next year, but Brayden needs to be able to enjoy things also. At the same time, Nat and Matt are at the age where I hate to keep anything from them, because they enjoy it so much. So we won't wait too long, try to find the compromise, ya know.

Well, the sun is fully up now, and it is time to start the day. Everyone appears to still be asleep, so maybe I will go have some oatmeal, then clean up and head off to work. Looks to be a beautiful day, hope everyone has the chance to enjoy it.

see ya then



At 2:59 PM, June 07, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

I'm all for the reunion!

At 8:44 AM, June 09, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

I agree about the commercialism of Port A. We will look for a new place. Really Gallvastine was nice but the fourth is not time to go there. Mountains are always good in the summer. Hell just getting away for it all is anytime


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