Wednesday, June 08, 2005


This is just a post script to the post below. I never talk enough about the job that Angie does with the baby, not to mention Nat and Matt. She works from home, and many people think that this means that she has all the free time in the world. Well she doesn't. She WORKS from home, she does't just stay home and someone sends her a check every 2 weeks. She acccomplishes more from home that anyone else in her company does in the office, and she takes care of Nat, Matt, and Brayden. I say this because I never give Angie any credit on here, or at least not enough. I could never do my job with the children. Of course, it is a different kind of job, but none the less, I could never do it. I have no doubt that I could not work from home with the distractions that she has, but she excells. Just thought that everyone should know this, in case there were any false ideas out there about my sweetheart working from home. Not as easy, or as fun as it sounds. Probably a hell of a lot more frustrating than even I can imagine.

I LOVE YOU ANGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New post below, now go read it!!



At 8:49 AM, June 08, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Great post. I hope you can get Bailey to play for you next year. You and Bobby would be great coaches. Tell Angie that I am so glad that she is my "girl". She does a fantastic job with the kids, you and the job.

Thanks for adding Carrie's and Beth's Blogs to your site. I enjoy reading about their families, too. Tell Bill, Steph and Bobby to add one, then all you kids would have one and I could read them, too. It would be almost like having all of you in the next room, planning something. Love, Mom


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