Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Little Brother / Older Brother

OK, everybody knows my little brother, Bobby. Probably, everyone knows how I feel about Bobby and his family. I love them all, Bobby, Chanda, Bailey, Chloe, and Delaynee. They mean so much to me. They are here in Decatur, like we are. I hope that Bailey will play softball with our team next year. She is very athletic, and she is sharp. I don't think she has played before, but that is not a big deal at all. I don't need Bobby to coach, but he can if he wants, but I will not push. His baseball knowledge is awesome when it comes to playing the game.

Now, did anyone know I had an older brother? Maybe not physically, but literally. My big brother's name is Bill Skidmore. He is who I always looked to. He was always there for me when I needed him, and that was a lot. Bill is my dad's older sister's, Carolyn, son. We were around each other enough when we were young for him to be sick of me now, but he isn't for some reason. I guess Bobby and I should be sick of each other too, but we are not either. He is my go to guy. His family, Lisa and Mason, is awesome. They have another on the way too, so not too long and they are in for what we have now, minus one child. Bill was my idol growing up. He raced BMX bikes, and was very good, I believe he ranked in the top 10 in the state at one time, or what ever ranking they went by. I never did it so I don't know. When it came to business, later in life, he was always the top salesman in whatever he did. Always with the damn great attitude. I could never beat him at anything, except once playing 21 (basketball, not blackjack) at the "Y" in Witchita Falls. Damn right I remember that, but I bet he doesn't. He now is a District Manager for 24 Hour Fitness in Austin. That sucks, because he was going to be a DM for them here in Dallas, before he was talked into the move. We were finally so close. Oh well. It has never seemed to matter how long it has been since we have talked last, we pick up right where we left off last time. We used to talk every Sunday after the Soprano's went off, but since there will not be a new episode till 2006, that got scrapped. Now we talk whenever the mood hits us, and always before a big fight. I just thought everyone should know this, because not everyone that knows me, knows him. Maybe they have heard of him, but I don't know if anyone in Angie's family has ever met him.

Next, we made another bet tonight, of course for lunch, and I am up 1-0, since we started this again. Mike Tyson versus Kevin McBride. Bill is a huge Tyson fan, and upon recently seeing him on TV, believes that there is no way he can lose. Oh, come on, it's Mike Tyson for God's sake. There is always a way for him to lose, starting with the fact that he is 38 years old, not to mention that he is a bloody psycho. So I took McBride, and I will win. The fight is on the 11th, also the night of the next poker night here at Casa de Berryman, or the 5B ranch, as I call it. I will go ahead and jinx this, but I have won the first 2 poker tournaments here, and I will do so again, if I don't unleash Angie on them. There is one problem though, I used to play poker online every night at this time, and now I write on this stinking thing, then go to bed. I may be rusty, oh well, it will only cost me 20 bucks, right? We will see, I hate to lose.

Just a reminder, the 4-wheeler race is next weekend, in Abilene (the 18th). I can't wait. I have no choice but to go now, I have talked to much about it. Nervous? HELL YES!!! But, I gotta do it. Kind of my father's day gift to me. Who could pass on something that will make them so nervous that they puke, then go sweat their ass off? Possibly embarass the crap out of themself to boot. Sounds like fun to me!!! Bring on the chili dogs. Just a pre-race snack!!

Probably time to go to bed, Brayden is sleeping way to soundly. Probably be awake and screaming in minutes. He has been kind of cranky the past couple of day, but you can see that he wants to be happy, but something hurts. That sucks, such a good kid, nothing should ever hurt any of them. I will hope for the best though.

See ya then



At 1:53 AM, June 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the blog, I will win the bet with my boy Mikey T.

At 8:46 AM, June 09, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

looking forward to seeing you race.It will be a twofer for me.


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