Thursday, June 09, 2005

Are these too long

I know I get to rambling sometimes, but are these too long. Am I boring you? Let me know. I sit in here like a monarch, and nobody tells me to stop, so I keep going. Maybe I should write a book. I don't know.

Today I kept running into Angie's parents. I stopped on the side of a dirt road, to do some paperwork, before lunch, and Bill and Barbara pulled up along side. They were going to see Angie, Nat, Mat, and Brayden. I had no idea they were in town, but there they were. After lunch I came home to visit, and missed them by a few minutes. When I left, I headed toward Jacksboro, and they came up behind me at a stop light in Bridgeport. What are the odds? They followed till I turned off, I guess their Ford couldn't pass my Dodge. HA HA, just a crack at Bill. Bill and Barbara, it was good to see you, wish you would have stayed just a little longer, or that my lunch was shorter. Catch you guys next time.

Carrie and Beth, write more often in your blogs. I know you are busy, but one post is not enough. We want to know what is going on. Help us out here.

Reagan, how are you, let me know. You are important to me, and therefore important to the people that read this. Reagan is the little sister of my best friend, Bill Boice, who is no longer with us, and I miss him greatly. It has been a long time, but he is missed just the same. Reagan is like my little sister, I was in her wedding.

O.k. I kept it short, let me know what you think. The old way or the new way. I don't know, the comments have fallen off again, except for Mom and Kim.

See ya when I see ya,



At 8:05 AM, June 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more details, the better. I read every word - everyday. With Love, Dad

At 8:33 AM, June 09, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

sorry we missed you. thereis always next week.

At 9:13 AM, June 09, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

Shoot, I see ya everyday and I already now all the things you write about...and I still enjoy reading this! Keep on even if I ended up being the only on reading it.

Love ya

At 10:09 AM, June 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started an email to you yesterday - but got emotional - I hear being pregnant does that to you. Anyway, I love reading the blog. YOu will never know how great it was to have you in our wedding. You've always been my big brother!
PS - I felt better Tues, but Wed wasn't good. I'm hoping for a good day today.
Love Ya

At 5:10 PM, June 09, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Hell no they are not to long ,when I read them I feel like I an right there. AND .... I noticed that your truck was clean so I didn't want to put black smoke all over the side as I blew by you!! HA

At 8:38 PM, June 12, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Hey there!! Sorry I have been out of pocket all week and not gotten to read your blog. But it was one of the first things I did today when I got home from our wild week!!

I say NO WAY IN HECK are your post to long! I love ever single word of it. I mean who wants to ready one or two sentence entries when they can get colorful detailed entries? Not me that is for sure! I say keep it up and just say how ever much you want to. :)

Gary and I are excited for you on riding in the race this weekend. I sure hope it works out that we will be able to see you at some point. WE are still not sure what time the games will be in Kelsey's tournament, but if at all possible we will see you guys at some point! It has been much to long since we got to see you guys. But with this blog (which, by the way, I will hurt you severely if you ever stop!) I feel like I am with you every day!

Off to find some food for my family, back to reality now!
Love ya sweetie,


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