Saturday, June 11, 2005

4-Wheeler stuff

Since we bought my 4-wheeler, hence forth called a quad, I have taken everything apart except the motor. It ran fine the day I got it, but, you know how it goes. I have done modifications to the exhaust, airbox, chain, sprocket, oil tank, the fuel jets, the fuel, the seat, now the ignition. Tonight, I tried to install a teather kill switch. This is required on most, if not all, tracks. A teather kill switch is attached to you and kills the quad if you fall off. It has 2 wires, and the ignition has 6 wires. I had to take the front end completely off to find this out, because it was tight quarters under there. Now, I am frustrated. It is all still apart in the garage, and we have poker tommorrow night. Hopefully, I will get it all back together by then. If not, oh well, as long as it is running by next weekend. I have done all of the mods myself, in an attempt to understand how everything works, and to be able to fix anything that may break. Especially if we are at the dunes in Kermit or racing somewhere. This should also help me to fix Matthew's, if it breaks, or whatever. I am competent and confident in what I have done, but 6 wires, 2 wires, give me a break. Maybe I can find the owners manual, if not, I will call the Polaris shop in Decatur tommorrow, or this, morning.


Tommorrow (today), Angie is going to town at 10 a.m. to have her hair cut back off. She always enjoyed it short, and now she wants it short again. She watched a home video made just after Matthew was born. Her hair was short then, and she liked how it looked. I don't disagree, it did look great, but, I think she was on the way to a fine looking haircut long also. Hey, it's her hair, she doesn't try to get me to fro, I mean, grow mine out. GOD, could you imagine!!!!!!!!! I am sure she will be happier with short hair, so therefore we should all be happy for her. I know I will be. I will always love my girl no matter the length of her hair. Hair is a personal issue, and she is the person making the choice. End of story.

That's about it for tonight, anybody know what's wrong with my Texas Rangers. If you do, let me know, maybe we can fix it.



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