Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sunday Stuff

Today was a slow day, usually is after poker night. Brayden even slept till 8 something. I believe we went to bed after 2 a.m. Thank God he slept, Angie might have kicked me out for not waking up to help last night, she was a sleepy girl. She rarely goes to bed later than 10 p.m., so 2 - 2:15 a.m. was really pushing it, but we had a great time. Our friends are all really down to earth, no big egos to worry about, unless you count me, and I have toned it down considerably.

Lanae, what weekend are you planning to go to San Antonio, because we can schedule the next poker night around you guys. We won't be able to play till late next month anyway, because of vacation and other stuff, so let me know. It would be great to see you guys. I'll keep my fingers crossed, and yes you guys can stay here anytime, that offer is good forever, we have plenty of room.

O.K., I told you that Angie was going to get her hair cut saturday, and she did. It looks awesome, by the way. While she was gone, Brayden and I took a nap, while Natalie and Matthew went to the pond to fish for crawdads. They caught 3, and I mean real Louisanna mudbug crawdads. I had no idea there were any of those here. These things were huge, one was 6" long I bet. I was amazed. I mowed them a path to the pond, so they can walk straight to it instead of skirting the tall grass and weeds. I'm sure they will keep that trail beat down in the days to come. They even took some of the children who came out last night down to the pond and caught 6 more, but they threw them back in. Also, had a giant rat encounter, but nothing a few well thrown rocks couldn't take care of. I love the fact that my kids are becoming country kids. I am very happy that they are going to be able to do some of the same things that I enjoyed growing up. You know, like hoeing cotton, digging ditch and building fence, Haha. No, I mean fishing in a pond till dark or later, just having the freedom to do what they want to do, and we don't have to worry about them getting hit by a car, or bothered by mean kids or people. Not being cooped up in our old back yard in Justin. Both of our neighbors out here are nice, one has kids and one thinks he still is. We all get along just fine, and nobody has or causes any problems, so the kids are free to do as they please, and we don't have to worry about pissing anyone off. That's how it should be. Before we moved out here, I desperately wished we could go back and raise our kids in a better, and safer time, like the 50's. But, out here I have forgotten all about that. So, if anyone is ever close enough to stop by, please do. Believe me, your children will thank you.

Two more things

1: Our friends, Kim and Gary Halfmann, in Abilene spent the weekend at their daughter's softball tournament in Midland. Kelsey's team placed fourth in the tournament against some what they call "Traveling" teams out West, but we call "Select" teams here. We ran into a few in our tournament last weekend, and let me tell you, it's no damn fun at all. So for them to place 4th in that tournament is incredible. You can read all about it on Kim's blog, which is linked on the right hand side of this site. Kim, I'm sure we will be able to come see at least one game, Saturday, before I go kill myself. CONGRATULATIONS Kelsey, and mom and dad, sounds like you have a good team there. Good luck this coming weekend.

2: Grandpa racecar won his feature race this past Saturday. This marks the first time that a damn FORD has ever won an IMCA event at Abilene Motor Speedway. Also, Bill is the oldest driver competing at the track. Grandma said he had a hard time getting his helmet off after the race, due to swelling of the head. I can just imagine. Tell me, Grandpa, when you crossed the finish line, did you let out a big old "YES", or were you laughing? I would bet it was the "YES", then the laughing. This is the first year Bill has raced in this division, because the track did away with his old class of cars. So he has had to overcome quite a few things to be able to win this year. New car, new division. Working all night at the track, selling fuel right up till the time he goes out to race in either the heat or the feature. Being old and probably the biggest thing, driving a damn FORD. Now, I only call him old because he calls himself "the old man" (It's a joke, don't hate me!), but the ford thing is straight from the heart. CONGRATULATIONS on the win, long time coming in this division. Maybe next weekend we can double up. Or you can win again, and I'll throw up on myself. Anything is fine. How's the weather, by the way, any chance of a rainout? Seriously though, I am very impressed with the win. I have seen your competetion, and they are very good. WAY TO GO BILL!! Maybe Bill can tell us about the race from his perspective, the driver's seat, on his blog, also linked on the right side of my page. That is a view that many of us never get the chance to enjoy. I have once, in a mechanic's race, a few years ago. What a rush, I won, and was glad that they didn't ask me any mechanic's questions, couldn't have answered any of them.

That's all folks, I gotta run a route tommorrow, something that I don't do much anymore, so sleep would be good. No sales or lunches, just work, how pitiful? Come on, somebody cry for me! Not really, this is actually the part of the job that I feel that I am good at, but everyone else depends on me for sales, so that's what I do. Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday, call me if you get bored, I will be in the truck. 940-389-3149




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